Today’s date: July 17th 2018
Show Title: Twelfth Night
Director: Emily Heugatter
Assistant Directors: Alexandra Stroud and Riley Turner
Production Intern: Georgia Fowler
Rehearsal Room: Demming
What we did: Today we began rehearsal with a warm-up called Whoosh Woah, which works on energy, eye contact and communication. It’s also just fun and a good way to loosen up before working. Once we had warmed up we began blocking Act 1 and completed five scenes. We then ran those five scenes through to get a feel for the blocking. After that, RDA’s Riley and Alexandra sat down with the cast and began working on the last song in the show that everyone will be a part of.
Quick and Quotable:
- From the play: “Would you have a love song, or a song of good life?”
- From the director: “One: Be true to yourself. Two: Take care of your tribe. Three: Don’t apologize for the work. Four: Burn it to the ground.”
- From the cast: “I feel great anticipation for however this will turn out. It’s been a lot of fun so far.”
Production Insights: I was really impressed with how focused everyone was from the get-go today when it came to blocking. When people weren’t up working with Emily, they were in the other room with Alexandra doing text work or they were sitting quietly watching the blocking process and doing text work on their own. Their focus allowed us to move way more quickly through blocking scenes which means we can actually block faster than we were anticipating. I was also struck by the energy and feeling some of our cast was able to put into their lines, even though this was only the second rehearsal.
Our RDA Riley arranged the music for Feste’s songs (using Shakespeare’s lyrics) one of which we began working on today. The cast blended lovely and Darrow and Austin added in their respective instruments.