Today’s date: July 22nd 2018
Show Title: Twelfth Night
Director: Emily Heugatter
Assistant Directors: Alexandra Stroud and Riley Turner
Production Intern: Georgia Fowler
Rehearsal Room: Grafton
What We Did: We began rehearsals with our daily warm up and then jumped right into blocking. We finished blocking the show and moved on to discussing what we should do for a show song and then practicing RDA Riley’s arrangement of The Wind and the Rain.
Quick and Quotable:
- From the play: “How have you made division of yourself?”
- From the director: “And that’s all one, our play is blocked.”
Production insights: The blocking for Feste’s song, The Wind and the Rain, which closes the show is going to be absolutely magical. Each couple has a moment, and a few of the people who end alone have little moments, with Feste on stage the whole time. There is no way I can describe it to do it justice, so I won’t try to do so any further. The cast, after running through the blocking seemed really jazzed about the pictures they had created in this scene and it was a fun moment to watch them recognize the beauty of the art they are creating.