Donor Roll List pulled from January 1, 2024 to January 28, 2025
(Donors in bold have donated 5 consecutive years. Donors marked * are members of the Epizeuxis Society and have pledged ongoing monthly or quarterly gifts.)
ROYALS ($50,000+)
Paul G. Beers
Aaron & Candice Hark
Kimberly West
NOBLES ($25,000–49,999)
Jim & Shirley Gillespie
PATRONS ($15,000–24,999)
Markel Corporation
Leigh & Danny McDaniel
Lyn & Thomas Olson
Lynne Puckett & Christoph Lehman
Lynn Rainville & Baron Schwartz
AMBASSADORS ($10,000–14,999)
John Attig
Ralph & Judy Cohen
Robin Miller & Lynn Turner
OAL Foundation in Memory of Kent Simons
Myron “Buddy” Steves Jr. & Rowena Young
GALLANTS ($5,000–9,999)
Clay & Sara Campbell
William & Sandra Davis
Joyce & Stanley Eastman
Donald Warmke/ The Evergreen Fund
Pamela Friedman & Ronald Bailey*
Clifford Garstang*
Sara Lee Menzer
Robert & Sarah Sealand
Seth & Sharon Stark In Honor of the Sidney Stark III Scholarship Fund
Staunton Mattress Company
Gene & Karen Van Slett
James Latane Ware Jr. & Mrs. Randall Moore Ware
PLAYERS ($2,500–4,999)
Sharon Adams & Richard Bolstein
Ellen Brock & Joe Borzelleca
Bernie & Kathy Campbell
Richard H. C. & Elizabeth F. Clay
Harvey & Naomi Cohen
Ann Etchison and Mark Miller
Hope Fabian and Michael Martin
Lindsey & Dwight George
Google, Inc.
Sara Holmes
Laurie & Thomas Kelly
Nancy & Robert Kyler*
David & Donna Ladd
Jane & Preston Manning
Richard McPherson
Robin & Roger Millay
Davidson Perry-Miller
Steve Nowicki & Susan Peters
Helen Price in Memory of Donald Price
Richard B. Smith
Carl Steidtmann & Kathy Cline
Rodney G. Young
JOURNEYMEN ($1,000–2,499)
Anonymous (2)
Collins & Charlotte Beagle
The Berenson Family*
Ann Bonneville
Amber Brister & Jim Simons
John Broadbent & Marjorie Deutsch
Mary Broadnax & Rudi Nollert
Kathryn Brobst
Richard C. & Kathryn Bump
Wendell & Ruth Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crawford, III
Debra Drummond-Berger In Memory of Tom Berger*
Tom & Diane Fechtel
Tracy Fisher
Dana Flanders
Leslie Frantz
Dr. James Gooding
Christopher & Rebecca Grandle
Kerry & Erik Kisa
Bouvard Hosticka
EF Charles LaBerge
Dan Layman & Pamela Fox
Frances Lee-Vandell
Kelly Malone
Sandra Kay Burnett & David L. McKinnon
Robin McNallie and Chris Edwards
Jeffrey Moffatt
Kevin & Patricia Moore
Phil & Cheri Moran
Charles & Dorothy Duval Nelson
Craig Boyce & Libby Owens
Fernando Opere & Carrie Douglass
Eileen & Robert Patzig
Mary Margaret Pipkin & Bob Boisture
Michael & Mary Jim Quillen
Grace Rice
John Smallwood & Mary Satterfield
Craig & Evelyn Scott
Joseph F. & Margaret Skovira
Ethel M. Smeak Fund
Mandi Smith
Jim Sofka
Rodney Vanderploeg & Sandra Logan
Ann Velez
Martha Walker*
Forrest Sloan & Jennifer Wayne
Karen Wilson In Memory of Wiley Wilson
Iris Zhou
APPRENTICES ($500–999)
Will Alteneder
Peter Archey
Atlantic Union Bank
John W. Bates, III & Beverly Bates
Francis & Prudence Beidler in honor of Judy & Ralph Cohen
Jerry Berenty
Laurie Berman
Charles & Claire Blaylock
Deborah Bodner & David Lusk
Paul Borzelleca & Marlena Hobson
Denise Brudevold & Bror Saxberg in honor of Siri Brudevold
Kara & Chris Burke
Angela & Neil Christy
Mary-Hill Cole
Rosalind Collins
Beth Colmery & Michael Hirrel
William & Rebecca Connelly
Rory & Jaymie Cutaia
Lawrence & Vicky C. Eicher
Winona Emerson
Hillel Finder*
Shawn M. & Amy J. Floyd
Sandy Greene
Lynn & Stanley Grimm
Michael & Emma Gutzler
Joe & Evy Harman
William C. Hatchett
MaryAnn Hauf
Sam & Melissa Hostetter
James B. & Pam Huggins
Lowell Inhorn & Cynthia Petzold
Cheryl & Mark Keeler
Hortense Mitchell Liberti in memory of David Speidell
Cathy & Carter Lively
James D. Lott, Sr.
Greg & Chris Menke*
Timothy Milford & Liza Velazquez
David & Heather Morgan*
Therry Neilsen-Steinhardt & Wally Neilsen
James Cromwell & Kathleen Nolan
Jenni Nolen
Joanne Olson
Deborah Patton
David Peyton
John Reid
Lillian Rohrer
Gina Savini
David & Nancy Schwiesow
Michael R. Seidl
Duane & Molly Smith
Theresa K. Southerington
Phillip Stone
Alan Armstrong & Victoria Sturtevant
Alden & Virginia Vaughan in honor of Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen
Michael M. Wagoner*
Tynisha Willingham*
GROUNDLINGS ($250–499)
Anonymous (5)
Ed Gatewood & Kirk Adams
Michael & Jill Allen
Teresa Berton
Drs. Holly Biola & Steven Grambow
George Booth
The Bronik-Ezzell Family*
Dee & Dickenson Brown
Nancy Carpenter
Clarinda & Kent Carrington
Frank & Linda Dane
David & Tammy DeFazio*
Paula & Wayne Dennis
Bruce & Olympia Dorries*
Jenn Dungan
Fred & Phyllis Fevrier
Gregory Florence
Timothy Goodman
Diana Hopkins
Frank Houghton
Angela Hughes*
Mary Jensen
Dennis Johnson & Rita Markey
Kerry Jones
Ian Kirk
Christopher & Catherine Kramer
Joe & Sylvia Lackey
Will Lagos
Anna Lawson
Jf Legault
Brock Lending
Therese Creel & George Levis*
Patricia Hunt Lovelace
Ross MacKenzie
Gerlinde Edwards & George P. Manson, Jr.
Sara Marie Massee
Mr. Josh McCoy & Dr. Sarah Mendonca
Mary & Thomas McQuain
John & Carol Mebane
David R. & Deborah T. Metz
Jeffrey Myers
Network for Good
Barbara Newland
Deborah O’Donnell in memory of Bob O’Donnell
Mark Palkovic & Thomas Shessler
Jane Pietrowski
James & Vicki Printy
Joan Robinson
Leslee & Thomas Rochford
Anne Rodig
Carol C. Ross
Jacquelyn Schwimmer in Honor of Ralph Cohen
Miguel Pellon & Teri L. Self-Pellon
Katharine Silvasi
Kim Simpson-Hager
Jemma Alix Levy & Steve Smith
Southeastern Renaissance Conference
Mary Jean Speare & Larry Taylor*
Ann Pontius & Michael Stahl
John Statler
Katie Sullivan in loving memory of Jean Lee
Ann Summerson
Cynthia & Perry Swope
Jean Tatalias
William Trainer
Richard Vela
Julia Washburn
Dennis & Barbara Weiserbs
Andrew Wilson
Ruth L. Zetlin
FRIENDS ($1-249)
Anonymous (32)
Susan Ackerman
Kate Adamson
Eric Aft
David Hunt & Ellen Aiken
John R. & Elizabeth M. Aldonas
Phillip Alexander
Grace Allard
Peter Allen
Brenda Allen
Kyle Allen
Thomas Alphin
Olivia Ambuehl
Tracy Amonette
Dianne Anderson
DeAnna Andrews
George Lipscomb in honor of Lloyd & Elizabeth Lipscomb
Mark & Pia Antolic-Piper
Bev Appleton
David & Julia Archer
Margaret Armen
Betsy Arnett
Elizabeth Aronson
John Arpin
Lauren Athay
Kristen Atkins
Diana Austin
David Baer
Michael Bagwell
David Bailey
Mark Balling
Eugene Bane
Jenn Barker
Susan Barnabee
Susan Barnabeo
Raul Barrera
Elizabeth Barrial
John Barry
Michael Barry
Erin Barry
Michael Basham
Christopher Bates
Patricia Beauregard
Margaret Becker
Martin Beekman
Nathan Bein
Maura Belanger
Thomas & Clair Bell in Honor of Richard McPherson & Jessica Christy
Christine Bellew
Jay Benesh
Doreen & Eric Benson
Aubrey Bernard
Philip Bigler
Randall Billy
Bruce Bishop
Samuel Blackburn
Paul Blackman
Edgar Blaus
Margaret Blount
Cecelia Boardman
Natalie Bocock
David Boisvert
William Bollin
Craig Bonnema
Mari Bonomi*
Diane Bonsall
Elizabeth Borches
John Boris
Edward Boroski
Sara Bowden
Thomas Bowen
Chadd Bowens
James Brackens
Martia Bradley
Melinda Brady
Eva Brady
Katherine Brandenburg
Justine Brantley
Charles & Hedy Breckenridge
Dana Breeding
Megan Brett
Matt Brigham
Wilson Brissett
Phillip Britt
Amy Broderick
Michael Brons
Don Brooks
Kristine Brown
Barbara Brubeck
Hunter Bruton
Evelyn Buckenmeyer
Joel & Susan Bundy
Kaini Bunkley
Stan Burek
Aiden Burke
Kristen Burnham
Melinda Burrell
Ronald Seyb & Grace Burton
Jason Burton
Lynn Butcher
Lynda Benjamin & Steven Butler
Karen Butler
Madlyn Bynum
Rodrigo Cabral
Julia Calamita
Jimmy & Debra Callison
Gregory Calvan
Cynthia Brandt Campagna
Jack Campbell
Adam Campillo
Walter Cannon
David Capozzi
Zezette Cargile
Marie Carota
Rejena Carreras
Phyllis Cason
Richard Cassady
Tim Cathcart
Dominick Cavalier
Mauricio Cavazos
Colin Ceperich
David Chaplin
Laurie Checco
Louis Chiarella
Rick Chittum
Jan Christoph
Margaret Clark
Jeffrey & Marie P. Clark
Tiffany Clarke
Catharine Clem
Travis Cloyd
Lexington Woman’s Club
Holly Cockrell
Rudolph Cohen
Daniel Cole
Cathy & Steve Coleman
Kathleen Collins
Brandon Collins
Annie Collins
Shawn Comeau
Marcia Comer
Katherine Conner
Cynthia Connors
John Copley
Francesco Corona
Ahmet Kerem Cosar
Elise & William Couper
Alexis Couvillon
Bridgette Cowan
R. Lee Cox
Charmaine Cox
John Crawford
Anita Crean
Tom Hardy & Patti Croft
Matthew Cross
John Cross
Kate Crowther
Jess & Laura Crumbley
Jared Cruz
Jennifer Cui
Mary Culbertson
Christine Cunningham
John Cusatis
Terri Cuthriell
Joseph Czekner
Linda Daniel
Krista Darcus
James Darr
Maria David
Matthew Davies
Benjamin Davis
Daniel Davis
Pam Day
Kevin Deakins
Sam Dean
Lisa DeFerrari
Gabriella Dennany
Claire Denny
Christine F. Derosa
Helen DeVries
Shelby DeWitt
Hank & Bobi Deyerle
Thomas Dickerson
Michelle Dittman
Jessica Diviney
Guy & Julie Dixon
Thomas Dixon
Patrick & Allison Dogan
Howard Donahue
Candace Donnelly
Carol Donohue
Michael Donohue
Sylvia Dooling
Evan Dotas
Edwin & Stephanie Douglas
George Douglas
JD Dowd*
Beverly Dowdy
Michael Downey
Trevor Drake
Christa Dreamer
Susan Drean
Heather Driscoll
Matthew Drummond
David & Karen Duncan
James Duncan
Lewis Dunn
Deborah Durham
Hamza Durrani
Bruce & Linda Dwyer
George Edwards
Theresa Eiserman
Laurie Elder in honor of Bill Elder
Gloria Elliott
Mary Elliott
Chantal Emerson
Lisbeth Eng
Andrea Engel
Elspeth England
Carly Engler
Sarah Enloe
Courtney Entsminger
Margery Erickson
Cary Carson & Wies Erkelens
Thomas Eschenroeder
John Eure
Kate Evans
Rosanne Facciolo
Daryl Falco
Elise Falkinburg
The Freeman Family
Helen Farrar
Mark Fetters
Suzanne Fiederlein
Howard & Marnie Fienberg
Rosalie Fischer
Benjamin Fisher
Jodi Fisler
Kathryn Foley
Lynn Fontana
Elizabeth Ford
Linda Foster
Ursula Foster
Julie & Christian Fox
Bruce Fox
Erin Fox
Melvin Frank
John-Paul Frank
Patricia Franke
Kathryn Franklin
William Franklin
Jonathan Franklin
William & Kathleen Frazier
John Fredrick
Linda B. Freeman
Greg & Beth Friedmann
Rachel Friendly
Susan Fuller
James Fullton
Geraldine Gaal
Grant Gallimore
Kevin Ganoe
Michael Garcia
Cheryl Garcia
Gerald Gardner
D. Steven & Nancy Garlick
Richard Garnett
Douglas Gaskell
Thomas Gederberg
James Gelatt
Richard Ghent
Craig Girard
Emily Girard
Barry Gold
Alexander Goldberg
Dennis Golf
Amy Goodloe
David Gordon
William Goverman
Mark Graham
Barbara Greco
Dr. Susan B. Green
Janine Greenwood
Tim Greenwood
Stanley Greer
Anne Gribbon
Mary Grider
Kenneth Grimes
Ronda Grizzle
Julie Gronlund
Harriet Grosh
Elizabeth Gross
Carole Grove
Randall Grumbine
DuPont Guerry
Kevin Cropp & Jody Gundrum
Charlie Gunn
Robert T. Haas
Ginny Haddock
Pauli Hagan
Brenda Hagg
Theresa Hainer
Andrew Haines
Etta Hall
Ruth Mary Hall
Mary Margaret Hall
Scott Hammond
Kari Hammond
Bethany Hamner & Wren Hamner*
Jennings Handy
Lorraine Haney
Thomas Harbinson
Anne & Paul Harder
Susan Hardy
Emily Harman
Kimberly Harman
Lauda Harmon
Rachel Harmon
William Harmon
Casey Harner
Leslie Harris
Ellen Harrison
Mary Midgett Harrison
Rachel Harrison
Catharine Harrison
Shanna Hart
Ellen Hart
Thomas Hathaway
Charles M Hawn
Stacey Hayes
Elyse Helbig-Guevara
James Helein
Leslie Hellerman
Christina Henriksen
Pam Henry
Heidi Henson
Wyman Herendeen
Kevin Hettinger
James Hewitt
Louisa Heyward
Margaret Hill
Bill Hill
Madeline Hiner
Suzanne Hinkle
Eileen Hinks
Patricia A. Hobbs
James Hoffman
Brian Hogg
Steve Holloway
Evan, Brian & John Morris & Sarah Holmes
Randy & Marie Holmes
Kathleen Holmes
Vicky Holt
Alex Hood
David Hopper
Jason Horner
John Horner
Olivia Rose Horoszowski*
Emily Houston
Dave Howard
David & Sanda Howland
Kendall & Maryann Hunter
Katrina Hutsko
Lloyd Vaughn II
Darron Jones II
Erik Ilawan
John Ingold
S. Patrick Ingram
Lisa Ingrassia
Karen Irwin
Jennifer Iyengar
Dave & Marti Jackson
Elisabeth Jacobs
Stefan Jaronski
Tyler Jenkins
Diana Jensen
Roy Johnson
Kathryn Haynes Johnson
Bobby & Lizzie Jones*
Frederick Jones
Mary McLean Jones
Kelly Jones
Haydon Rochester Jr
William Martin Jr
John S Hannon Jr
Catherine Wingfield-Yeatts & Harry W. Yeats Jr.*
Henry J. Foresman, Jr.
Peter Judge
James Kabath
Aileen Sevier & Andrew Kahrl
Evanthia Karageorge
Kevin Keating
Ben Keller
James Kelley
Stephen T. Kelly
Trena Kelly
Julia Kendrick
Kimberly Kennedy
Richard Kenney
Carole Duff & Keith Kenny
Gibson Kerr
Lee Kessler
Laurence G. & Bonnie W. Kimmett
Bill & Gail King
Stephen C. King
Donald King
Julia Kirby
Sarah Kirchner*
Jennifer Kirkland*
Nathaniel Kirkland
Tim Kirwan
Jodie Kitchens
Michaeline Klob
Caroline Knickerbocker
Dawn Warfield & Michael Knight
William S. Knight
Birgit Kornblue
Natalia Koroleva*
Dionysios Koroulakis
Chris Kostick
Heather Kowell
Juaita Krause
Tim Kring
Janet Hahn & Robert Charles Kugler
Charles Kyle
Michelle Kyzer
Kathleen & Daniel Lafferman
Gerard Laffey
Karen Lam
Yanji Lama
Joseph Lamantia
Laura Lambkin
Marianne Lampert
Julia Lapan in memory of Essex Ja Wong Scales
Cliff Lardin
Linda Larson
Douglas Law
Gerard Learmonth
Anna & Ray Leavitt
Greg Lee
Karen Lee
Benn Legum
Larry & Jane Lehman
Frank Lemoine
Kris Van Lengen
Christopher LeRose
Jack & Elizabeth Lewis
Melanie Lickenfelt
Jon Lickerman
Jeanne Marie Liedtka-Salzman
Joseph Lieske
Teena L. Hazel & Edward A. Liggett
Bruce Lillegard
Lisa Lindsay
Coby Linton
Richard Liroff
Meg Livingston
Sonya Livingston
Filip Loncke
Annette Long
David Longfellow
April Lovingood
Bryan & Emily Lowman
Joel Luebeck
Joyce Lupia
Susan V. Lyon
Keli Mace
Christopher Mack
Jean Mackay
Darrin MacKinnon
Elizabeth Maier
James Malady
Keith Malay
Joshua Maldonado
Jim & Alice Malone
Jeffrey Mammen
Daniel Mannen
Michael Mansfield
Lee Margot
Carrie Mariner
Mary Ann & Jeff Markunas
Joe Marshall
Dr. & Mrs. Rob Marston in memory of Essex Ja Wong Scales
Phyllis Martin
Wendell Martin
Linda Martin
Melanie Martin
Melissa Masaitis
Ruth Mast
John & Catherine Matherly
Teresa Mattick
Landon May
Ellen Mayoue
LeAnn Mazzeo
Patricia Mccann
Todd McCarrick
Malissa McClintock
Elizabeth Mcclure
Liz & Joe McCue
Elizabeth Respess & Howard McDowell
Anne McGovern
Marla McIntyre
Susie McKenna
Bill Mckenna
Rita McKenzie
Stephen McKeough
Joan McKown
Keith McLaughlin
Sarah McLean
Jake McLean
Susan McMahon
Stephen McNabb
Sean McNeil
Anna McNerney
Jessie McNulty
In Honor of Richard McPherson & Jessica Christy
Dewey McVey
Judy Medina
Joe Medley
James Van Meer
Kristin Meikle
Lily Pipkin & Ronan Melomo
Julie Mendosa
William Merring
Danielle Merzatta
Kathe Messenheimer
Robert Meyer
Marti Meyers
Elizabeth E. Parrish/ MHA
Gail Mickley
Staten Miller
Amalia Miller
Robin & James Miller*
Ronald Miller
Christopher Miller
David Millican
Jane Colony Mills
Kathryn Mole
Harold Moloney
Denise Montgomery
Elizabeth Moore
Kevin Moore
Garth Moore
Michael Morales
Janet Morris
F. Caperton Morton
Donald & Jennifer Mossman
Daryl Mountz
Sondra Moyer
Paige Muendel
Linda Muller
LC Muller
Michael Webb & Norma Mullins
Nzioki Munyao
Bob Murphy*
Sarah Murray
Erin Musarra
Barbara Myers
S. Alison Myles
Richard & Dara S. Myrah
Jacquelyn Nasca
Larry Neff
Tim Nelson
Chase Nelson
Jay Nesselrodt
Gordon Newcomb
Nick Newlin
Shelia Newman
Toby Newsome
Ginger Nicholson
Tzvetelina Nikolova
Susan Nixon
Joan & Tim Nolan
Joe Norton
Justin Nottingham
Stephen Nowicki
Emily Nuckols
Peyton Nunnelly
Renee L O’Brien
Susan O’Grady
Mary O’Malley
Joyce O’Quinn
Robert Oaks
Mary Grace Ocasio
Wendy Oesterling
Jamie Oliver
Matthew Olwell
Donald ONeal
Sheridan Orr
Michael Ortiz
Donald W. Owen
Al P. & Phyllis S. Saufley
Ben Packard
Edmonia Page
Katherine Page
Katharine Panfil
Mary Panneton
Brianne Parker
Janet Whitmore Parker
Regina Parker
Jolynne Parker
Kevin Parnell
Auztin Parrott
Carol Parsons
Jay Patel
Kathryn & Roger Pede
Jay Perry
Audrey Perselay
Robert Peters, Christena Peters
Christine Peterson
Erika Peterson
Jean Peterson
Raquel & Michael Peterson*
Sarah Petroske
Joy Peyton
Sherry Phelps
Frances Phetteplace
Sienna Phillips
Zachary Phillips
Andrew Phillips
Lucy Phillips
Bethany Phillips
Alan Pike
Jack Piller
Carla Pillsbury
Christy & Turk Pipkin
Alisa Bessire-Wooten & Isabella Pizzitola*
Jon Pointer
John Polley
Sarah Pool
David Porcaro
Greg Porter
Albert Porter
Joshua Powers
Nina Prasad
Julie Prescott
Donald Pressley
Macy Pressley
Amy Prevatt
Stephen Prisley
Forrest Pritchard
Alex Proffitt
Erin Prokopchak
William Prokopchak
John Provo
Candice Purnell
Aubrey Quebe
Deborah Quigley
Nancy Rachlis
Dutch & Jeni Rall
David Rampy
Matthew Ramsey
Ron Ramsey
Russell Randle
Taylor Randolph
Victoria Rappold
Alexander Rasmussen
Kevin Ratliff
Serena Madero-Rawson
Clare Reece-Glore
Michael Reed
George Reed
Ann Regn
Susan Rehfield
Leslie Reidel
Sara Reimold
Marianne Rempe
Charles & Diane Rencsok
Susan Reres
Anne Reynolds
Jennifer Reynolds
Rodney Rhodes
Bruce Rhodes
Karen Richardson
Kevin Richey
Sabrina Ricketts
Erica Riesbeck
Jenny Riffe
Amanda Riley
Barbara Riley
John Ritchie
Steve Rittenhouse
Lane Ritter
Mark Ritter
Alison Rivard
Amanda Roberts
Marda Robillard
Heather Robinette
Celia M. Rodgers
George Rodrigue
F H Rogers
Ralph Romanelli
Kevin Rose
Madelyn Ross
Deborah Roudebush
Debra Roush
John C. & Karen Rowlingson
Deborah M. Rucker
Rachelle Rucker
Laura Rusch
Rebecca Rusina
James Russell
Arturo & David Saavedra
Robert Sack
Margie Sallies
Nancy Salvucci
Keith Samples
Sallye Sanders
Dean Sarnelle
Essex Jawong Scales
Jessica Scalph
Jenna Scanbos
Alex Schaefer
Ashley Schauer
Carol Robinson Schepp
Louis Schepp
David Schiller
Carl Schluter
Frederick Schneider
Edith Schumacher
Joe Schuppe
Dave Schwartz
Kathleen Schwarz
Kristen Schwendinger
Julie Scofield
Peter Scott
William Seay
Cynthia Seibels
Adam Seipel
Gracen Semanik
Donna Semple
Beverly Seng
Pragna Sengupta
Elsewhere Shakespeare*
Theodore Shanks
Mark Shaw
Suzanne Sheppe
Dan Sherman
Ashley Shickle
Michael Shisler
David Shoop
C. Robert & Charity Showalter
Nancy & Mo Shriber
Holly Shulman
Kathleen Shurtleff
William & Sandra Sibert
Mark Simmons
Oma-Gail Simmons
Nathan Simmons
Richard Simon
Amber Brister & Jim Simons
Patricia Simons
Kevin Skadron In memory of Essex Ja Wong Scales
Maria Skuratovskaya
Harry Sleeper
Stephanie Slewka
Elliot & Retta Slotnick
Meg & Daniel Smeltzer-Miller
Michelle Smith
Alexia Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Karen Smith-Will
Rosamond Smythe
Andrew Sneed
Geoff Snowman
Elizabeth Snyder
Monica Soebbing
Terri O’Dea Sorber
Andrew Southerland
Linda Spahr
Edmund Sparrow
Elaine Specht
Rosemary Spell
Nathan Spofford
Thomas & Diane Stanley
Wilma Stanley
Frank A. & Margaret M. Stanonik
Kristen Van Stee
Jeff & Chrissy Stein
Gina Stetter
Barbara Stewart
Audrey Stone
Tom Strikwerda
Jada Symone Strong
Diane Stroud
Jacalyn Strunk
Joanne Stump
Robert Sturr
Charles & Debra Sullivan
Jana Surdi
Evan Sutter
Grace Suttle
Courtney Swartzentruber
Joyce Sweet
Mark Swift in honor of the ASC Players
Cynthia Swope
Zoe Symons*
Laurie Szczutkowski
Mary Tabino
Sue Tait
Mary Ann Tancredi
Metta Tanikawa
Nick Tapino
Mark Tappan
Leah Tarpley
Helen Tasker
Patricia Taylor
Lori Taylor
Drs. Alex & Mary-Ellen Telionis
Kyleen Terrana
Sylvia Theriault
Michael Thieme
Earleen Thomas
Mike Thomas
Barry Thompson
Jeffrey Thomson
Kevin Thorne
Isabel Thornton
Linda Thornton
Amy & Eric Tich
Diane Tillotson
Judy Titterton
Sherry Tolley
Elsie & Mac Tompson
Kathryn Tone
Cheryl Tormey
Mariquita dela Torre
John Tracey
Jessica Tracy
Matthew Tripp
Amy Trumbull
Sherry Tyger
Todd Tyson
Toshiko Uchida
Elizabeth Umstott
Kyra Valentine
Mary Rose Valentine*
Jill Vanderhoek
Jonathan VanDevender
Mollie Vann
Richard M. & Cathleen Vaught
Nehemias Velez
Ken Venable
Michael Viglione
Stephen Vogen
Mary Wadsworth
Chad Lash & Caryn Wagner
John Wakefield
Megan Wakeman
Thomas & Sue Walker
Cynthia Walter
Tara & Matt Walters*
Garry & Sally Walton
Stanley & Loretta Walz
Ronda Wanderman
Dennis Ward
Carolyn Warden
Margaret Warner
Laura Wasko
John Wassink
John Watts
Bradley Waychunas
John Webb
Dale Weigel
Donald Weinstein
Amanda Welch
William Wells
Jean Wengenroth
Vicki West
Brian Weyand
Irene Wheeler
Rebecca Wheeler
John Whitlow
Patricia Whitmer
Alice Wiggins
Mark Wigginton
Katelyn Wilder
Kristofor Wiley
Richard Wilkinson
John Williams
Kian Williams
Joe Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wills
Melinda Wills
Diane Wilshere
John Winant
Jess Winfield on behalf of Christine Bartley Williams
Edward Winkler
Steven Wise
Jo Wolf
Michael Wolz
Patricia Womelsdorf
Theresa Wood
Gretchen Wood
Joley Wood
Michael Woods
William Woodward
Elizabeth Worcester
Lisa Workman
Eli Fisher & Doris Wossum-Fisher
Sema Wray
Phillip Zane & Denise Wydra*
William & Therese Wyman
Joseph Yankelowitz
Michael Yoensky
John York
Sarah Young
James Younger
Cindy Younghouse
Susan Yowell
Sharon Yuras
Mary Zehe
Sidney Zemp
Heather Zirkle
Contributions from public and private institutions are a vital part of furthering the American Shakespeare Center’s artistic and educational programming.
Through corporate matches, individual donors to the American Shakespeare Center can double the value of their gift at no additional cost. Ask your HR department if your company has a matching gift program.
List of Companies with Matching Gift Programs
List pulled from January 1, 2024 to January 28, 2025
Arden Shakespeare
Askin-Williams Charitable Fund
Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge
The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation
Elsewhere Shakespeare
The Evergreen Fund
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The National Endowment for the Arts
Network for Good
The Shubert Foundation
The Virginia Commission for the Arts
Corporate Match
Google, Inc.
Markel Corporation
The Phoenix Society welcomes all people who have generously included the ASC in their estate plans and/or as a beneficiary of a charitable trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.
Phoenix Society MEMBERS
Anonymous (4)
Paul G. Beers
Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen & Judy Cohen
Lawrence & Vicky C. Eicher
Dudley & Martha Flanders
Arthur & Mindy Kaufman
Stephen & JoAnne Larson
Christopher & Betsy Little
Robert C. & Letty MacDonald
Robin Miller & Lynne Turner
Cheri & Phillip Moran
Ethel M. Smeak
Sidney Stark, Jr.
Lawrence Weiss
Frances Young
Epizeuxis is the rhetorical device which denotes the repetition of words. For example, Hamlet’s famous phrase: “Words, words, words”.
MEMBERS of the Epizeuxis Society have pledged ongoing monthly or quarterly gifts to help sustain ASC’s programming.
List pulled from January 1, 2024 to January 28, 2025
Anonymous (9)
Bobby and Lizzie Jones
Mari Bonomi
The Bronik-Ezzell Family
Therese Creel and George Levis
David & Tammy DeFazio
JD Dowd
Bruce and Olympia Dorries
Elsewhere Shakespeare
Hillel Finder
Bethany & Wren Hamner
Olivia Rose Horoszowski
Angela Hughes
Sarah Kirchner
Jennifer Kirkland
Natalia Koroleva
Greg and Chris Menke
Robin & James Miller
David and Heather Morgan
Bob Murphy
Raquel and Michael Peterson
Alisa Bessire-Wooten & Isabella Pizzitola
Mary Jean Speare and Larry Taylor
Zoe Symons
Mary Rose Valentine
Michael M. Wagoner
Tara & Matt Walters
Tynisha Willingham
Catherine Wingfield-Yeatts and Harry W. Yeats Jr.
Denise Wydra & Phillip Zane
The Sidney Stark III Memorial Scholarship Fund supports the American Shakespeare Center Theatre Camp which empowers high school students to leap into college life through the learning experiences within Shakespeare’s text.
Named for Sidney Stark, an English teacher who dedicated his life to sharing the joy of language, this fund invests in students’ performance training, academic exploration, and the opportunity to share their passion with new friends from across the country.
Carmine J. Bell
Brett & Laura Freelander
Jay M. Parker & Ila Corrine Bridges
Marcia Rutan
Seth & Sharon Stark
Northstar Title, Inc.
Casey Tucker
Rodney G. Young