Our final round of colloquy sessions has begun. This is Kyle again, from the R. R. Smith center on New St. bringing you our coverage of Colloquy #11: Immersive Classroom or Experiential Shakespeare Pedagogy. Unlike the last colloquy I covered (#1), this colloquy took the format of a roundtable discussion. 

To begin with, each of the educators in the room introduced themselves. Attendees included Maya Mathur, Rebecca Olson, Douglas King, Gary Walton, Molly Barger, Alan Hickerson, Dan Lauby, David Landon, Stephanie Shirlan, Carmen Khan, and the colloquy’s moderator Katie Wampler.

A primary concern in the roundtable was student confidence in performing and reading Shakespeare. Many of the projects were invested in empowering students as both scholars and performers. Such projects included Olson overseeing a student-edited text of Romeo and Juliet, Lauby conducting Live-Action Role-Playing (LARP) cue script exercises, and Wampler’s role in the founding of Hoosier Shakes and its employment of undergraduate students from Indiana Wesleyan University.