Tuesday, June 19th


Show Title: Volpone

Director: Mary Finch

Assistant Directors: Miranda McPherson and Chase O’Neill

Production Intern: Abraham Joyner-Meyers

Rehearsal Room: Deming Black Box


What we did

Rehearsal today began as the Volpone cast started to experiment with the physical nature of their characters. After reading through the first act and digging into character relationships, blocking started. Our fearless and eminently cool director Finch explained that “On the first day we find habits and we break them,” as we put the first scenes on their feet. Volpone raked in gold as many jealous suitors competed to be his heir.


Quick and Quotable

From the play

MOSCA: “Rook go with you, raven”

Jonson loves his character names. Corbaccio, Corvino, and Voltore are three of the suitors to the wealthy Volpone. Each is identified as a bird; a Crow, a Raven, and a Vulture. In our dramaturgical discussions, we enjoyed the playfulness of Mosca’s punning.


From the director

“Volpone, that couch is your dragon’s hoard”

The couch appears in enough scenes that I think it should be included in the Dramatis Personae.


From the cast

“Which Avocado am I?”

The four Avocatori (the lawyers and judges of the Venetian court) have been quickly renamed by the cast as the Four Avocados, who I think should start a band under that name.


Production Insights


Jonson’s animal names for the characters (included in the cast list below) reveal how Volpone is very much a fable. Despite the character types suggested by the names, and the ending where all wrongdoers receive their just comeuppance, the actors are quickly making these characters their own. While offstage, we flipped through an uncut copy of the (four hour long) play to see the punishments meted out in the original. Corvino is sentenced to be rowed around the city wearing a hat with donkey ears. I’m glad I didn’t let slip to the campers that I wore a donkey hat last fall as Bottom, the enchanted actor from Midsummer Night’s Dream. It wasn’t so bad a punishment after all.


Cast list (for the fable)

  • Avocatori (Charlie Nelson)
  • Bonario (Carina Park): “Good-Natured”
  • Celia (Scarlet Frishman)
  • Corbaccio (Mia Randers-Pehrson): “The Crow”
  • Corvino (Spencer Cohen): “The Raven”
  • Lady Politick (Elsa Vinso)
  • Mosca (Emilia Vizachero): “The Fly”
  • Nano (Caroline Raymond): Volpone’s “Dwarf”
  • Peregrine (Will Muoio): “The Falcon”
  • Sir Politick (Kiernan Green)
  • Volpone (Lucy Bertolet): “The Fox”
  • Voltore (Adrienne Rugg): “The Vulture”