July 21st, 2018
Show Title: Faustus
Director: Matt “Mini” Minnicino
Assistant Directors: Daniel “Casket” Casker, Amanda “The Panda” Rogus
Production Intern: Gil Mitchell
Rehearsal Room: Hunt West
Today, we finished blocking the Pope scene.
Quick and Quotable
“Cursed be he that struck his Holiness a blow on the face!” -Friars, Faustus, lines 431-432.
“This is where the pool noodle comes into play.”
“Now I get to have a bloodcurdling scream?” -Anonymous camper
Production Insights
We are still in the Vatican! This Pope scene is taking a long time to block, but it will absolutely be worth it. Comedy, especially slapstick, takes a long time to get right. Audience contact, stage combat, and funny trombone noises all have to work together.