July 17th, 2018

Show Title: Faustus

Director: Matt Minnicino

Assistant Directors: Daniel Casker, Amanda Rogus

Production Intern: Gil Mitchell

Rehearsal Room:  The Blackfriars’ Stage/Hunt West

Today, we did a read through, and began blocking the first few scenes.

Quick and Quotable

“O, this Cheers my soul!” –Faustus, Dr. Faustus

“Can you be more active? I feel like the tongue should be more active.” -Matt Minnicino

“Can you all groan in unison again, please?” -An ASC Actor

“That looks amazing!” -Marielle Buxbaum


Today was a LONG day. After doing a read through, we began to block the show. We also began to play with the supernatural elements of the show, and world build a little bit. I’d like to take a moment to highlight the hard work put in by the actor playing the titular role: Marielle. She has never worked with scansion before, and I think she might be able to teach me a thing or two by the end of camp. Keep up the good work!

After dinner, we headed to the Blackfriars where we did some more movement work. After getting some notes by a helpful ASC actor who stopped by, the cast was much more comfortable with some vocal choices. I’m getting more and more excited as this show keeps coming together, but I think tomorrow’s respite will give the campers some much needed time to learn their lines!