Today’s Date: August 2, 2019


Show Title: The Roaring Girl

Director: Stephanie Ann Foster

Assistant Directors: Cortland Nesley and Molly Harper


Stage Manager: Joe Marsh

Dramaturg: Madison Miller


Rehearsal Room: Hunt West


What we did: Clean Clean CLEAN! Today was all about cleaning. After our midnight dress rehearsal (more like 12:50 AM as our start time), we have a clearer idea for the shape of the show. In order to clarify expositional moments we worked anything that was unclear in the run. From entrances to exits, from horses to ducks to dogs, we combed through all little moments to clean the cast’s work with the text and the objectives for relationships.  





“I like a palpable smokster go to work.”





You’re shedding everywhere, so many pieces of glitter.


-Stephanie Ann



Thank you ‘Hoyda.’”


It’s thank you 5, but better. 


Production Insight: Today was our last Hunt West rehearsal before we have our Blackfriars rehearsal on Saturday morning, then, SHOW-DAY SUNDAY MORNING! The end is in sight, and while there are moments of sadness about the impending finality of it all, there is no time to feel the nostalgia when we have such a fun and energetic piece of art to show the world. This show brings the joy every morning in rehearsal, but even more than the show, this cast keeps things fun and light. Each member of this cast is a light and we truly couldn’t make this all work without each little moment they bring to the show.