
The Winter’s Tale

Director: KP Powell

RDA Stage Manager: Keith Hale 

RDA Dramaturg: Kailey Potter 

Interns: Mary Rose Valentine, Margot Waldman, Topher Zane

Director KP Powell works with campers on blocking.


Today rehearsals continued. Director KP Powell empowered campers to forge their own performances.


As Prince Mamillius, Mayela peaks through the curtain to look at Camillo, who is played by Esme.


Quote of the Day

“I don’t want you to be like marionette meat puppets.”

-KP Powell

KP encouraged the campers to make choices in their acting. He doesn’t want to lead them like his puppets. As the campers have learned, it’s okay to make a mistake in acting. By trying something in the rehearsal room and failing to produce the desired result, actors get closer to finding the choices they want to make for their characters.