
The Winter’s Tale

Director: KP Powell

RDA Stage Manager: Keith Hale

RDA Dramaturg: Kailey Potter

Interns: Mary Rose Valentine, Margot Waldman, Topher Zane


This morning, the campers attended workshops on scansion and rhetoric with Aubrey and Lia.

Aubrey enlists the help of our interns and RDAs to teach the campers iambic pentameter.


Lia teaches the campers rhetoric. Lia teaches the campers rhetoric. Lia teaches the campers rhetoric. “Repetition is a valid form of pedagogy” – Lia Wallace


Next, the campers witnessed Lia’s legendary audience contact workshop. With the help of KP Powell as Nerrissa, Lia’s Portia dazzled another generation of campers. After a packed morning, the campers headed to lunch. Rehearsal for The Winter’s Tale followed.


Director of The Winter’s Tale KP Powell leads the campers in a viewpoints exercise.


Quote of the Day

“How would you say it?”

– KP Powell

Today, our director focused on the campers’ understanding of the text. He asked them to read their lines, then asked them how they would say their lines. The campers responded with how they, with modern day slang, would convey the message of their lines. After this exercise, the campers returned to Shakespeare’s text. Like magic, the campers breathed life into the four hundred year old words.