After a long day at the park, where campers went swimming, played mermaids, and effected this magnificent hairflip,

we had a showcase dress rehearsal!
What is that phone flashlight being used for? Why is Chiara peeking through that window? How many Hamlets can you fit on one stage? What happens if Prospero is puppets?? Find out the answer to these, and many more, classic questions of Shakespearean scholarship TOMORROW (technically today!) at THE ASCTC 2024 SHOWCASE!!
Two important notes:
- If you have not already RSVPed for the event that starts at 10:30 am on July 14th (AKA, ASCTC Showcase), RSVP here:
Doors open at 10 am, and it is general admission (🫡) which means first come, first sat.
- In the event that you are NOT able to attend this incredible musical puppet early modern mashup in person, fear not! HERE is a link to the livestream: (password: ASCTC2024).
To quote our intrepid leader, Lia Wallace: “While we’re glad to be able to offer the stream, the experience is always better live (and I can never 100% guarantee the technology won’t fail), so come in-person if you can!”
Following the social, campers’ families are invited to join us for an ice cream social at the dorm! There will be plural flavours of ice cream and plural toppings, leading to plural combinations!!
Since brevity is the soul of wit, let me be brief: see you at showcase tomorrow!!