Alternate Title: This Very Day Was Cassius Born

Today (or rather yesterday – Tuesday) was an extremely full day of rehearsals, including a four-hour dress tech in the Playhouse in the evening for both T&C and CoE. The campers thoroughly enjoyed watching each other’s plays – here is Emily mid-collapse at Hector’s death (sorry for spoilers):

Hector is slain!


But between rehearsals and mandatory rest time, we had another class taught by RDA Jake Raiter – this time, on PUPPETS!

Jake taught his entire workshop with Peepers, small eyeball puppets that fit over one’s hand:

Thus, or, to the same defect.


He first stressed that characters must make eye contact – difficult to do with eyes on one’s hands! – and move their jaws, not their whole upper head, when they talk. Then he demonstrated the “Henson punch” way of articulating speech, and showed the kids how to work in a puppet box!

Do you bite your thumb at me, sir??


As puppet class wrapped up, Jake instructed the campers to make their puppets sing – puppets, he said, are an inherently silly art form, and one thing they do very well is sing. He selected a song everyone would know – “Happy Birthday” – BECAUSE it was the birthday of RDA Marielle! He had all the puppets sing to her and then RDA Joan presented an enormous cake sent by her family.

He that will have a cake must tarry!


Marielle’s birthday came up again after our long dress rehearsal, where Ellie played “22” for lullabies in Marielle’s honour. Then camp conked out for the night – hopefully we will be well-rested for tomorrow’s Macbeth Invited Dress!