Today’s Date: July 20


Show Title: Troilus and Cressida

Director: Mili Konceliik

Assistant Directors: Marielle Buxbaum and Austen Bell

Stage Manager: Amy Hartt

Dramaturg: A H. Poma

What we did

Today was melancholic mixed with a lot of anticipation. We began with our (almost) final fight call putting the extra polish on our work. Then we moved into our final rehearsal run of the show. Then Mili gave the extremely little notes that we had for the run. We choreographed curtain call and began practicing for our song preview which is being performed tonight at the Macbeth Opening! To end rehearsal we had a “weepy talk” from Mili, and then she interrupted our tears with a competitive game of Eastenders which Muriel and Hudson won! After that, we all had to accept that the last day was nigh, and be ready so we could “with comfort go (Troilus).”

Quick and Quotable

  • From the Play
    • “Now is my days work done.” – Hector

Hector finally resting from his time battling, surely nothing will go wrong. This quote also hits hard today as we can see the camper’s spectacular work is finished.

  • From the Creative Team
    • “Let’s go from good ol’ bitch-wolf-son” – Jake
    • “It’s a great honor to work with all of you.” – Mili
    • “Right now Phoenix, spit it out!” – Mili to Phoenix who was attempting to eat a post it note
    • “What’s up with my child and the paper in their colon?” – Jake saying a hypothetical
    • “It’s, like, something degrees right now.” – Poma
    • “Leave room for Pandarus” – Poma
    • “You get the joy of dance!” – Marielle
  • From the Cast
    • “And you’re watching Shakespeare Channel!” – Zephyr
    • “I kindly suggest that Willow talks” – Olivia Rose on who speaks after our song preview
    • “Thanks Wall!” – Pax
    • “The children yearn for the paper” – Everett
    • “Who’s my little chair boy?” – Max
    • “I can live on paper!” – Phoenix trying to stay there.

Production Insights

Being on this production has been an honor past the capability of speech. All of us on the staff side are so excited for the campers to be able to share their play with you. This cast has been ready to perform for about a week now and they all are more than ecstatic to show off their work at the festival tomorrow. As Mili said during our first rehearsal, the show is now theirs to share with all of you xenos. These campers have out performed our expectations every day and made me fall in love with a play that I had hated before arriving, and I can see the love they have for it too. 

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