Welcome to the ASCTC 2023 Final Performance Festival! This year marks the 26th summer of the ASC Theatre Camp, and our triumphant return to a full session of campers after the last several summers of pandemic-induced smaller (or digital) camp companies. What a joy it has been to have these thirty-two young theatremakers with us in Staunton and at the Blackfriars Playhouse for the last three weeks!


Imagine, if you can, what these campers have accomplished in their time together. Not only have they created the performances you’ll see today, they’ve also: gotten voice training from ASC Music Director Summer England, gotten acting training from ASCTC Acting Coach Michael Blackwood, learned about clowning from Associate Director of Education Aubrey Whitlock and the importance of Shakespeare’s language from ASC co-founder Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen. They studied the basics of verse, rhetoric, audience contact, improv, and yoga. They rehearsed and performed an entire Showcase of scenes from throughout Shakespeare’s canon, walked up and down more stairs than they ever thought possible, and made memories that will last a lifetime. 


They didn’t do it alone. Throughout the long days of classes and rehearsals, they had the support of our amazing residential staff. Led by Team Captains Kailey Potter and Devlin Ford, the team of Resident & Directing Assistants (RDAs) Austen Bell, Cole Metz, Ronee Goldman, and Liv Meredith not only helped them build their shows but kept them hydrated, healthy, and happy at our home on MBU’s campus. Production Interns Eli Dietrich, Scarlet Frishman, Rowen Jackson, and Lillian Malone served as stage managers, dramaturgs, music teachers, and all-around-wranglers of props and costumes. Camp would not be possible without them, and today’s triumph is theirs as well.


Today, you get to see the fruits we’ve labored over not only for the last three weeks, but for the last several years. After leading Intimacy Master Classes and serving as a Choreography mentor for the past two summers of camp, ASC’s Associate Artistic Director and Resident Intimacy Choreographer Natasia Reinhardt steps into the ASCTC Director’s chair for the first time with her production of Julius Caesar. And beloved camp veteran director Dr. Emily MacLeod returns to direct the production of Cymbeline originally planned for ASCTC 2020. They navigated their casts through these colossal, chaotic plays with camp’s trademark collaborative kindness, crafting safe and supported opportunities for every camper to test the waters outside their comfort zones. 


After so many years of imagining this moment, I am thrilled to get to feel it with you all today. My final thank you is reserved for you: the friends, family, and general supporters of our campers. Thank you for all you did to make today possible — not imagined, felt. I hope you enjoy the show!

Lia Wallace
Education Programs Manager & Camp Director

Director’s Note
Julius Caesar

Natasia Reinhardt

One day.

It took Brutus less than one day to decide that Caesar needed to die for the good of Rome. I took even less time for me to accept the offer to direct Julius Caesar for camp, though I think I am lucky enough to have been met with better consequences. I knew the queerness of this story was one I was excited to explore with colleagues and wonderful young people. While I could not have guessed how the relationships in Caesar would be so closely connected to high school aged folks I am incredibly proud to have witnessed the internalization of these relationships and how they translate into different bodies. It has always been true that our friends make impossible requests of us, leaders make mistakes, and in the end we must give power to the people. I have no greater wish than for these students to leave knowing each relationship we cultivate is the way to control our fate and in that, is power. Gratias Tibi <3

Director’s Note

Emily MacLeod

Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered…

I was supposed to direct Cymbeline for ASCTC in the summer of 2020. Three years have passed since then, filled with unthinkable losses as well as unexpected joys. The Cymbeline we would have made in 2020 is probably nothing like the Cymbeline we present to you today, because we have all been changed by a world that continues to surprise, devastate, and delight us in turn.

When our cast had their first readthrough, they weren’t so sure what to make of this play. Some knew it was a comedy (kind of), others knew it had fun characters (an evil queen, a buffoonish prince, a strong heroine), but I’m not sure any of us could have predicted just how thrilling it would be to breathe life into this text. Every silly gesture and heartbreaking monologue reminds me of the power of theatre, and that of camp. This cast has given me such a gift: to return to a place that feels like home to me, where they have found another home as well.

While there are a couple deaths in Cymbeline, many characters who make mistakes in the play have to face the hardest fate of all: they live with the knowledge of the harm they caused. And those who have been wronged forgive them, as long as they promise to do better. In Shakespeare and the Grammar of Forgiveness, Sarah Beckwith writes that “in a world of harm, the act of forgiveness allows a way of going on to new futures.” Those onstage at the end of Cymbeline create a new world for themselves, just as our young people will shape our world. They have so much to teach us, and it has been my honor to learn from them. Thanks Jupiter!

Dramaturg’s Note
Julius Caesar

Eli Dietrich

How much do politics and popularity intertwine? Do personal relationships have an impact on war? Shakespeare attempts to answer these incredibly topical questions in Julius Caesar. People often see the play as a tragedy, yet it could be more. Perhaps it is also political satire. In the same way a talk-show host might comment on politics through the lens of a world event, Shakespeare makes inferences about his world. Shakespeare often employs the power of words, whether it be curses, elegiac speech, or, in our case, manipulation. The campers and I talked extensively about the manipulative power of characters in this play. Every character in Caesar attempts manipulative tactics to bolster their arguments. In reading over the “Friends, Romans, countrymen” scene, for example, we realized that in attempting to choreograph mob violence, we unveiled truths about how mobs are easily swayed. Antony, Caesar, Brutus, and Octavius all give speeches that are so set on manipulating the emotions of others they fall into fallacy. These tactics make up the politics of Rome as well as our own. By making manipulation explicit in this play, Shakespeare satirizes it in order to draw a moral lesson. What is wonderful about the show is that there is no explicit “hero,” so, like the Plebians, you are encouraged to draw your own conclusions. I encourage you to examine your conclusions and use that same examination on modern politics.

Dramaturg’s Note

D. Scarlet Frishman

Cymbeline is a messy, exciting, bloody love story. Based on Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, which may or may not be real history, this play walks the line between Tragedy, History, and something else, often being called a Romance play. This play draws on the emotions of the audience for remorse, grief, anger, and humor— most of all, the text encourages play through its plot complexity. This story has something everyone can be drawn to, with a jealous husband, a wicked queen, a wager, a faithful servant who disobeys, a severed head, false poison, prophecy, music, divine intervention, and war ending in peace.

The wager specifically, with a husband betting on his wife’s fidelity and believing later on that she cheated on him, is a shockingly realistic plot line. Outside influences, like social media and reality television, often create societal worries about cheating in otherwise healthy relationships and can reinforce misogynistic viewpoints. These seeds of doubt are exactly what leads Posthumus to the conclusions he reaches during the play. This story’s relevance to our modern day will, hopefully, permeate through our audience. You are encouraged to think critically while you enjoy this beautifully complex play.

Cast and Crew

Please click the “carrot” on the right hand side to view the Actor/Crew bio. 



Charlottesville, VA

This is Alan’s first time at the ASC theater camp, and only his second time in a Shakespearean play. He’d like to thank his parents and grandparents for sending him to camp, and the other campers for being incredible friends, and just awesome people. He’d also like to thank the RDA’s, directors, and production interns for making camp awesome, and all of the other campers for making it even better. Alan hopes you enjoy the ASC camp’s 2023 productions of Julius Caesar and Cymbeline!

Alena Sanchez


Fort Bragg, NC

This is Alena’s first year at camp and she couldn’t be more excited to join in on the fun of acting, singing, and dancing with her peers. This her first time being in a proper Shakespearean play. She would like to thank her parents for giving her the opportunity to attend ASCTC and for giving their unending support. She would also like to thank the staff and her peers for the understanding and accepting nature. Their friendship and compassion is deeply appreciated and felt. She would also like to thank her past English teacher, Dr. Barger, for recommending this camp and supporting Alena in her journey with Shakespeare.

Archer Deans


Waynesboro, VA

This is Archer’s second year at camp. Having played Leaf Coneybear in Putnam County and Touchstone in As You Like It, he is excited to finally perform in a tragedy.

Audrina Macias


Yuma, AZ

Audrina is a rising freshman at North Stafford high. This is Audrina’s first ever summer at the ASCTC! She’s super excited that she took the risk to stay away for 3 weeks. She has been in 2 small shows so far, The Nutcracker, when she was in ballet and Circus Olympus! (School play). This is Audrina’s first ever full Shakespeare play, and first time playing some smaller roles in the play. Audrina would like to recognize her parents, step father, and bill (who’s been there since the beginning), her brothers, step siblings, family members and close friends for believing in her and supporting her interest. Also her dogs who always perk their ears up whenever they hear her voice on FaceTime for missing her so much while she’s away. Audrina would also want to thank the RDAS and fellow campers for supporting her and making her love theatre more than ever! She hopes to come again next summer to experience more fun at the ASCTC!

Bee Larrieu


Newport News, VA

Bee Larrieu has always had a passion for the performing arts — whether that be classical ballet, playing the kazoo, or acting — as well as an appreciation for Shakespeare’s works, and as such is incredibly excited to have the opportunity to perform with ASC for her first summer at camp. Although she has only been in one Shakespeare play to date, she looks forward to vastly growing that number, starting this summer with Cymbeline (a play which she actually did not know existed prior to this camp). Bee would like to thank all of the ASC RDAs, Production Interns, other camp staff, and guest teachers as well as her fellow campers for making this year’s camp such a great experience!

Carson Everman


Newport News, VA

Carson Everman is happy to be in ASCTC’s 2023 production of Julius Caesar. She first began enjoying Shakespeare when her homeschool co-op did a production of The Tempest, where she was able to edit the script in Shakespearean verse and also perform. One of her camp goals was to explore the practical application of the rhetoric within the play, and camp has given Carson a much deeper understanding of the text! She was especially excited to be working in Blackfriars Theatre!

Casey Kerr


Orlando, FL

This is Casey’s first time at camp, and he couldn’t be happier to be here! He would like to thank his parents, as well as the ESU for making this incredible trip possible! Casey would also like to thank the wonderful RDAs and Production Interns for making them feel so welcome, and their fellow campers for being such great friends (and scene partners). Casey is so excited to perform as Theseus (showcase) and Cloten (Cymbeline)! He hopes you enjoy the show!

Clarissa Duke


Waynesboro, VA

This is Clarissa’s first time at camp, and her first time in a Shakespeare play. She would like to thank her mother for sending her to camp. She also thanks the rdas and the interns for making her first camp experience enjoyable, and her amazing scene Partners. She looks forward to returning to camp next year.

Desi Rose Emmert-Hart


Waynesboro, VA

Desi is a rising senior at Stuart Hall School. This is their second time at camp. They have also had acting experience with Silver Line Theatre Exchange, ShenanArts, and various school productions. They played Flute in the showcase, and will perform multiple roles in Julius Ceasar. Outside of theatre, they enjoy trying out as many different hobbies and experiences as possible. Unfortunately, this will be their last year as a ASCTC camper. However, they hope to maintain a connection to the American Shakespeare Center. They would like to thank all of their friends for supporting them, including the new ones they have met at camp.

Gaia Luz Gallard Bucci


Cabarete – Dominican Republic

This is this campers first time at camp. She’s overwhelmingly happy with receiving such an incredible opportunity to contribute to this. She would love to thank her family, her boyfriend, friends from camp, her roommate, the interns, the RDAs and everyone that’s worked so hard to teach her so much. She’s now so open and ready to step out of her comfort zone more often! This is her first time ever performing in front of an audience. Coming from a small fishing town in the Dominican Republic to the Blackfriars playhouse is such an honor for her. She is so grateful to have the support of so many people in her life, she knows that all the lessons she’s learned at camp will help her in so many ways. Experiencing performance in such a hands-on way through a trust stage set up gave her so many incredible lessons in acting. She will never forget this experience.

Gus Smith


Charlottesville, VA

This camp is Gus’s first time doing a lot of things. For instance, going to a sleepaway camp, as well as playing a speaking role in a play (past roles include: Shadow 3, Understudy, and his first role, A Rock) In this play, he has three speaking roles, and they’re even animate beings! He lives in Charlottesville, but has a yearly tradition of going to see A Christmas Carol here at the American Shakespeare Center. (Very good show by the way, you should see it if you get the chance) He enjoys rehersals on the ASC stage, living in dorms (though not so much sleeping in them), and camp life overall, and hopes to return next year. He would like for there to be less steps between locations though. Gus is very excited for the performance and hopes you enjoy the show!

Hattie Moore


Williamsburg, VA

This is Hattie’s first time at camp, and they are so glad to be making friends and learning new things. Hattie is especially thrilled to be playing Cinna the Poet, and they’ve really enjoyed exploring the characterization of all their characters. Hattie wants to thank their parents for all their support and encouragement and for giving them the opportunity to come to camp where they could bond with such unique and eccentric people! Hattie would also like to give endless heartfelt thanks to their funky friends! Peace, love, and rock and roll!

Hudson Bronik-Ezzell


Staunton, VA

This is Hudson’s second time at camp. She would like to thank her parents for sending her to camp and the camp staff and her fellow campers for being so supportive and kind. Hudson hopes you enjoy the shows and would like to thank you for coming!

Isabel Valenzuela she/her


Waynesboro, VA

Isabel came to camp influence not only by her mom, but motivated by wanting to try something new, explore theater, and making friends. The environment for her was so new and different. Everyone was inclusive and kind. All her peers were there to be supportive and encouraging. She had basically grown up in Staunton her whole life and her parents took her to many showings of the Christmas Carol at the ASC. While at camp, she made lasting friendships, learned to work with them on stage and how to connect and play off each other’s characters. Isabel’s most memorable part from camp was when everyone performed their showcase scenes for each other. Everyone laughed together and enjoyed each other’s acting. All the campers had such unique skill in acting, it was so delightful for Isabel to experience her friends’ and peers’ talents. Leaving camp Isabel has learned many important things about theater, acting, and all of the other components that make it a performance. She hopes to come back next summer and relive this amazing time in a whole new way. With the support of her RDAs and friends she will always remember the lasting memories at Shakespeare camp.

Isabella Pizzitola


Houston, TX

I would like to thank everyone for the support all throughout camp. I appreciate and love you all.

James Riffe


Radford, VA

This is James’ first ever time at camp, and is the second Shakespearean play he has performed in. He would like to thank his theatre teacher for recommending the camp to him and to his parents for supporting him toward signing up. Additionally, he would like to thank all of the wonderful RDAs and interns for their assistance keeping the show moving, his cast mates for being team players, and his cat for being very patient without him. He hopes you enjoy watching him perform as much as he enjoyed being at camp, and hopes to return in the future!



Amherst, NH

JD returns to the Blackfriars’ stage for his second year in the ASCSC. He does theatre all year ’round back home in New Hampshire and will be a first year at Brandeis University studying acting and technical theater in the fall. He describes himself as a “pretty cool lad,” and would like to think he lives up to the descriptor. When not onstage or backstage, he likes being a librarian, slaying at sudoku, and watching streamers play video games. He’d like to thank both casts, directing teams, and all the ASC teachers, as well as his amazing family, for being so supportive and letting him be a part of this great performance. Enjoy the show!

Jimena Rodríguez Gascón


México City

This is Jimena’s first year at camp and she would like to thank everyone who supported her enough to get here, in particular her family and friends as well as the Anglo Mexican Foundation which provided the opportunity to meet and work with such wonderful people.

L. Lee Adams


Fredericksburg, VA

This is Lee’s third and final year at camp. They’d like to thank the camp staff for all their hard work, and their castmates for joining them in creating a great piece of theatre. They would also like to thank their parents for sending them to camp, and letting them get such great experiences before going off to get a formal education in theatre.

Lauren Rainey


Chicago, IL

Lauren Rainey (Queen) is an incoming senior at OPRF and is so so excited for her first show at ASC! Recently she appeared in OPRF productions as Sam Hendrix in Wait Until Dark, and the title role in Hamlet. Lauren also recently appeared as Alcyone in a production of Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses at Lookingglass Theatre. She has participated in Chicago Shakespeare’s Slam program and was a national finalist for the ESU’s Shakespeare monologue competition in 2022. Lauren is represented by Stewart Talent. Thank you infinitely to Emily, Lia, the RDAs, the production interns, and the entire casts of Cymbeline and Julius Caesar for this incredible experience.

Lucy Shea


Philadelphia, PA

This is Lucy’s third (and final) year at camp but her first time participating in the traditional camp format. She has had a fantastic time getting to know Imogen’s wild adventures and unstoppable resolve and is so excited to bring her story to life. She would like to thank her cast mates and friends at camp, her family for their continued support, and the entire staff for creating such a constructive space to explore Shakespeare’s works. She’ll keep her experiences at the ASC close to her heart.


Maggie Graham


Charlottesville, VA

Maggie is so excited to make her ASC debut in Cymbeline! She is from Charlottesville, Virginia and has most recently preformed Shakespeare as Luce in Comedy of Errors and Bottom in a Midsummer Nights Dream. She has loved getting to learn and study with the talented staff and campers here and hopes to return next year! When she’s not participating in theater she enjoys listening to vinyl, playing with animals, and crocheting. She hopes everyone is enjoys the show!

Marcos Barbiaux


Mexico City

Marcos Barbiaux is from Mexico City. They won second place in a Shakespeare competition that gave them the opportunity to go to the ASC camp. Marcos is not only interested in theatre, but also architecture, music, singing, and sculpting. They want to thank everyone who helped them get into the camp, and their big supporters such as their parents, friends, peers, and the Anglo Mexican Foundation. Marcos enjoyed being fully immersed in Shakespeare day to day. They have been fought at school the Hispanic and Latin-American literature tradition, so coming to ASC camp has broadened their interests in English literature. Camp has not only allowed them to meet people from a different nation, but get to know themself better. Marcos really liked the masquerade ball that was held at camp. The dance and music atmosphere, broke the language and culture barrier. Marcos would like to thank their friends at camp: Isabel, Audri, Mimi, Desi, and all the supporting RDS and peers at camp.

Mia Davis


Harrisonburg, VA

This is Mia’s first summer at ASCTC. Cymbeline is the first Shakespeare show she has performed in, but it certainly will not be the last. Mia would like to thank her friends Summer and Casey for all of the laughs, the RDAs for everything they do, and her parents for always supporting her endeavors. She had a wonderful time playing Posthumus in Cymbeline, and she hopes you have a wonderful time watching it. Postie 4ever.

Mimi Templeton


Purcellville, VA

Mimi Templeton is 13 years old and plays Arviragus in Cymbeline and Quince in Midummser showcase. She loves theater and was so excited to learn about acting and growing as a performer. Her favorite performing experience is her district choir, her two outside of school choirs, and playing The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. She’s had an extremely eventful 3 weeks and would like to thank all her friends from her dance studio- Studio bleu dance center-, the professional ASC actors, and her family! (Onstage and off!)

Pax Skaggs


Waynesboro, VA

This is Pax’s second year attending the American Shakespeare Center Theatre Camp. He has enjoyed many of Shakespeare’s tragedies, romances, and comedies, but this is his first time working with one of Shakespeare’s histories. He is grateful for the opportunity he had to come here and wanted to thank his mother for encouraging him to indulge in his interests. Pax hopes to return next year for his final year of being able to come to this educational and entertaining camp experience!

Phoenix Claibourn


Charlottesville, VA

This is Phoenix’s second time at camp and his first time in a tragedy and his first time playing a tragic character. He would like to thank his cast mates, friends, and parents for supporting his acting journey. He would also like to thank the RDAs and interns for being so incredible and making these productions possible. He hopes you enjoy the shows, and can’t wait to come back to camp next year!

Summer Fisher


Radford, VA

This is Summer’s first time at camp, and she has had such a great time. She is playing Belarius (Cymbeline) and Hippolyta (A Midsummer’s Night Dream). She would love to thank her awesome friends from camp for always making her day, and her parents for supporting her. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Sydne Hirshman


Bradenton, FL

This is Sydne’s first time doing the ASCTC. I would like to thank my parents for giving me the opportunity to come to this camp and I would like to thank all of the RDA’s, Interns, and all of the other ASC staff for being so helpful and welcoming.

Uriel Sánchez


CDMX, México

This is the first time Uriel has ever been to a summercamp, and it’s his first time participating in the profesional production of a play. He performed as Silvius in a As You Like It in the showecase perfomance and as Pisanio in Cymbeline. He would like to massively thank his family for their support and the RDAs and Interns for transmitting their love for theater and for walking us through the acting experience. Uriel will deeply miss all the friends he made and thanks them for making camp so enjoyable. He wishes the best for you all!

Wren Hamner


Harrisonburg, VA

This is Wren’s first time at camp, and they are so glad to have gotten this opportunity! Wren would like to thank their parents, for getting them into theater in the first place, and Lia, for making ASC Drama Club so fun that they wanted to come to camp (which was even more fun). They would also like to thank all their fellow campers for making camp so fun and being so welcoming. They cannot wait until next year!

Zyir Cayasso


Cabarete, Dominican Republic

This camper’s name is Zyir Cayasso, he loves athletics, theatre, and cooking, he wants to pursue sports as a profession, he enjoys hard work and is deeply in love with his trade, you could call him an international teenager, he has lived in the United States, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and many others, allowing him to become a multi cultural Afro-Latino, most of his life living in small fishing villages or towns, he values friends, lovers and the community, this camper will always push forward and will one day make it.

Austen Bell


RDA Wellness Leader (Stage Management Mentor), Cymbeline

Austen Bell is a multi-hyphenate theatremaker originally hailing from BC, Canada, who is delighted to be working at Shakespeare Camp (Shakespeare and Camp being two personal favourite pastimes). Austen, a certified nerd, enters year two of the Mary Baldwin Shakespeare and Performance graduate program in the fall, and hopes to continue into the MFA program in 2025. Recent Shakespeare work includes stage managing and lighting design for The Winter’s Tale, stage managing and playing the role of Henry VI in Henry VI, part 1, directing select scenes from Henry VI, part 3, and playing the part of Gnomeo in a staged reading of Gnomeo and Juliet, all at MBU; in summer 2022 Austen also independently directed a TYA production of Richard III. Enjoy the show!!

Cole metz


RDA Social Leader (Dramaturgy mentor for Julius Caesar)

Cole is an actor/director from Richmond, VA. This is his first time at camp, and it has been, “really really so fun.” A recent graduate of MBU’s Shakespeare & Performance MFA program, Cole worked with Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble to bring educational, theatrical programming to students across the Shenandoah Valley. Professionally, Cole has appeared onstage with the Richmond Shakespeare Festival, Richmond Triangle Players, and Elsewhere Shakespeare Co., among others. He wants to wish theatrically broken legs to all the wonderful ASCTC2023 campers. Allons! Allons!

D. Scarlet Frishman


Production Intern (Dramaturgy), Cymbeline

Scarlet is a recent graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a BA in Musical Theatre, and will be attending Mary Baldwin in the fall for the Shakespeare and Performance MLitt/MFA! This is her first time working for ASC after being a camper herself in 2017 and 2018. She has focused on stage combat and intimacy choreography for the past few years, and is happy to have been able to those skills during this production. She is a gigantic nerd for all things historical and textual, and is thrilled that this is her first time being full dramaturg for a production. Scarlet sincerely hopes to work with the ASC again after the amazing learning experience she has had this summer.

Devlin Ford


RDA Team Captain (Voice Captain)

Devlin is an actor and teaching artist from Salt Lake City, Utah. She has worked in theaters and schools across the country and is thrilled to have settled at the ASC this summer. She is currently a graduate student at Mary Baldwin University and will receive her Master of Fine Arts in Shakespeare Performance next spring. Some favorite credits include Shelby in Steel Magnolias, Claudius in Hamlet, and Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire. She is so thankful to be a part of this years ASCTC crew!

Eli Dietrich


Dramaturgy Production Intern, Julius Caesar

Eli is the Dramaturgy intern for Julius Caesar this year! In his senior year of college at UNC-Chapel Hill, Eli’s studies have been focused solely on Early Modern European Drama, and he is going to graduate next spring with a major in English and two minors in Early Modern History and Drama. He eventually aims to become an English professor and semi-professional dramaturg, teaching the next generation about the wonders of the pre-modern world. An “ASCOTS” member, Eli played Romeo in 2019’s session one and instantly fell head over heels for the ASC and the opportunities of education it provides to so many. At UNC, Eli has directed King Lear and Much Ado About Nothing for “The Forest Theater Players,” as well as Macbeth and Julius Caesar for “Company Carolina.” Before school, Eli was an actor at the Hedgerow Theater in Pennsylvania. He professionally acted in repertory productions of A Christmas Carol (Multiple), The American Tragedy (Multiple), and Two Gentlemen of Verona (Speed) for Hedgerow as well as A Midsummer Nights Dream (Puck) for the “ShakesPEER” group. He cannot wait to meet the lovely friends and families of the campers he has gotten to know so well!

Emily MacLeod


Director, Cymbeline

Emily is thrilled to be back at camp for her tenth session since starting as a counselor back in 2011. In previous summers, she helmed King John (2016), Q1 Hamlet (2018), and Measure for Measure (2019). During that time, she also earned a Masters from King’s College London/Shakespeare’s Globe and a PhD from The George Washington University focusing on early modern performance studies. She dedicated her doctoral dissertation to “the youths that thunder at the playhouse” (aka ASCTC). Currently she is assistant teaching professor of English and theater at Penn State Harrisburg. She has presented her award-winning research at the Shakespeare Association of America, where she was selected for the competitive Next Gen Plen panel, and she has been published in journals like Early Theatre and Shakespeare Bulletin. She wants to give a special shoutout to Ronee on the occasion of their third camp show together, and to all the Cymbeline staff for crafting this beautiful piece of collaborative work!

Kailey Potter


RDA Team Captain (Fight Director)

Kailey is an actor and theatre-maker based in South Carolina who is thrilled to be spending her second summer with ASCTC. She recently graduated with her MFA in Shakespeare and Performance from Mary Baldwin University, where she worked as an actor, musician, fight director, and fight captain. Select performance credits include Macbeth in Macbeth and Julia/Eglamour/Duke in The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Treehouse Shakespeare Ensemble), Alice Arden in Arden of Faversham and Lady Meanwell in The Frolicks (MBU S&P), and Mistress Merrythought/Pompiona in The Knight of the Burning Pestle (Sweet Tea Shakespeare). It’s been a great pleasure to collaborate with these campers on all things combat-related and she wishes both casts a great opening and many broken legs! www.kaileypotter.comelcoming.

Lillian Malone


Production Intern (Stage Management), Julius Caesar

Lillian is a Baltimore-based theatre maker and college student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is seeking dual degrees in Theatre Design and Production and History with concentrations in costume design and early modern history respectively. Lillian camped in 2017 and 2018, so she was ecstatic to return and experience the production side of things. The work they have done for Julius Caesar will benefit them in their next role as Associate Costume Designer for Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy (UMBC Theatre). Lillian would like to thank Natasha Reinhardt for all of their support through the show’s process and for trusting them to help with music and costumes for the show. She would also like to thank Cole Metz for his neverending support, and Liv Meredith for being an incredible stage manager mentor. The cast and crew for Julius Caesar made this show – and the three week experience – pure magic, and Lillian hopes that friends and families all enjoy the 2023 ASCTC performance festival!

Liv Meredith (she/her)


RDA Wellness Leader (Stage Management mentor), Julius Caesar

This is Liv’s first time at camp, and she is so honored to be working with such talented young performers and the incredible staff at the American Shakespeare Center! Liv is an actor based in the DC metro area. Her parents put her in her first acting class at the age of 3 and she has loved it ever since! Liv graduated from the University of South Carolina with a B.A. in Theatre and Political Science (go Gamecocks!) where she performed on all five of the school’s stages. Some of her favorite roles have included Dull Gret/Shona/Kit in Top Girls, Caroline in I and You, and Ophelia in Hamlet. Liv is passionate about political theatre and strives to use the unique medium of live theatre to inspire social change. She currently works part time as a Standardized Patient helping to train young doctors about patient interactions. She is so proud of all these amazing campers and hopes you enjoy the shows! www.livmeredith.com

Natasha Reinhardt


Show Director, Julius Caesar

Natasia graduated with her MFA in 2021 from Mary Baldwin University, where she had the joy of performing the roles of Mercutio, Oberon, and King Lear. She has been involved in several ASC productions in a variety of roles, including First Witch in Macbeth, Mariana in All’s Well that Ends Well, Ensemble in Henry V, Tiny Tim, Beggar Boy, Fan in A Christmas Carol. She served as Resident Intimacy Choreographer for A Christmas Carol, Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, Thrive, Or What You Will, Pass Over, The Tempest, Pericles, Une Tempête, As You Like It, and Eurydice. This is her first time directing a show for the ASC Theatre Camp.

Ronee Goldman (she/her)


RDA Social Leader (Dramaturgy mentor) Cymbeline

Ronee is a former camper (Merry Wives of Windsor, King John) and intern (First Quarto Hamlet) making her long awaited return as an RDA. She has a BFA in Acting from Ithaca College and has completed improv training at The Annoyance in Chicago. She feels so lucky to have worked with these brilliant, silly, kind campers this summer. Thanks, Jupiter!

Rowen Jackson


Production Intern (Stage Management), Cymbeline

Rowen is delighted to be back at the ASCTC and to be working as an intern. As a camper in the past, they have done Pericles (2018), The Roaring Girl (2019), and Henry V (2021). While in college at Virginia Tech, they spend their free time acting in a sketch comedy group. They have had an incredible time working with the talented campers and staff, and can’t wait to see what they all will do next.

Lia Wallace


Camp Director

Lia was born and raised in Philadelphia. She earned her Master of Letters and Master of Fine Arts degrees in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University and a BA in Shakespeare and Education from NYU Gallatin. Lia began as an ASC Education intern in January of 2012 before becoming a part time Education Artist and Playhouse Tour Guide. She joined ASC staff full-time as the College Prep Programs Manager and Camp Director in April of 2016. As the Education Programs Manager for ASC, she now oversees a range of educational programming focusing on Shakespeare’s text and technology, with a focus on students at the undergraduate level and below. This is her eighth summer running the ASC Theatre Camp.

Special Thanks to

Seth & Sharon Stark, Ralph & Judy Cohen, Sarah Lewis Holmes, Devlin Ford, Kailey Potter, Anthony Pearson, Aubrey Whitlock, Michael Blackwood, Summer England, Kara Hankard, Gabriela Castillo, Thomas L. Coppola, Jocelyn Thompson, Madison Lindy, Marie Lupia, Duckery Bracey, Mili Koncelik, Suz Lochner, Cindy Fellows, Ben Diemer, Courtney Roane, Reggie Slaughter, Sean Simplico, the English Speaking Union, the Anglo-Mexican Foundation, and Mary Baldwin University for all their support.
Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen and Sarah Enloe for lighting the way.
The friends and family of the performers for making it all possible.



We found our people at Camp…now we can stay together everywhere!

Have you ever…

  • Longed to connect with your ASC Theatre Camp friends and colleagues at scheduled digital events?
  • Hoped to network with the Camp community to find your next internship (or intern)?
  • Yearned to access ASC’s educational resources in one place?
  • Wished you could keep Camp in your back pocket?


Fulfill all these dreams and more by enrolling as a member of: the Epizeuxis Society.
*Epizeuxis (ep·i·zeux·is) is the rhetorical device that represents words in repetition

As part of your membership, you will receive direct access to all things Camp on Slack, the exciting new year-round digital world for the thriving ASC Theatre Camp community!

For as little as $5 a month, all current and former campers (and Camp staff!) can gain access to this exclusive digital bubble. In this safe space, you can chat, share resources, start video calls, and participate in exclusive digital programming hosted by the ASC — truly keeping Camp in your back pocket.


Here are just the highlights of what you will receive access to as a member of our Slack:

  • Access to ASC’s educational resources for use in your classroom, preparing for your big role, or behind the table in rehearsal,
  • Easy connection with the Camp community from your pocket,
  • Exclusive content (events, classes, and more) with ASC professionals,
  • Being welcomed into our community of donors,
  • Knowing you are helping keep the lights on at ASC in these hard times by joining for a donation of at least $5 a month.

We are ready for you — what are you waiting for?