Welcome to the ASCTC 2024 Final Performance Festival! This year marks the 27th summer of the ASC Theatre Camp, and the first under the tenure of ASC’s newest Executive Director, Vanessa Morosco. Vanessa’s passion for Education is evident in her commitment to the third word of this company’s name: we are, indeed, the American Shakespeare Center, not the American Shakespeare Playhouse. We don’t only produce great plays, we also help to produce the next generation of great playmakers. Today, thirty-one of those promising young thespians will strut their stuff on the boards of our unique Playhouse; tomorrow, maybe they’ll be writing and performing their own new works; 27 years from now, maybe one of them will be the American Shakespeare Center’s new Executive Director. We should be so lucky!

These campers have accomplished an amazing amount in their time together. Not only have they created the performances you’ll see today, they’ve also: gotten voice training from ASC Resident Company member and Music Director Summer England, gotten acting training from ASC Resident Company member KP Powell (playing Macbeth this season), learned clowning from Director of Education Aubrey Whitlock, learned theatre history from MBU Shakespeare & Performance Professor Dr. Peter Kirwan, and examined the minute details of performing Shakespeare’s language with ASC co-founder Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen. They also studied the basics of verse, rhetoric, audience contact, improv, puppetry, and yoga. They rehearsed and performed an entire Showcase of scenes from throughout the early modern canon, walked up and down more stairs than they ever thought possible, and made memories that will last a lifetime. 

They didn’t do it alone. Throughout the long days of classes and rehearsals, they had the support of our amazing residential staff. Led by Team Captains Joan Raube-Wilson and Jake Raiter, the team of Resident & Directing Assistants (RDAs) Austen Bell, Scarlet Frishman, Marielle Buxbaum, and Sam Grocock not only helped them build their shows but kept them hydrated, healthy, and happy at our home on MBU’s campus. Production Interns Andrew Poma, Naomi Stephenson, Isabella Pizzitola, and Amy Hartt served as stage managers, dramaturgs, role models, and all-around-wranglers of props and costumes. Camp would not be possible without them, and today’s triumph is theirs as well.

They also had stalwart support from their show directors, Mili Koncelik (Troilus & Cressida) and Natasia Reinhardt (Comedy of Errors, also ASC’s Resident Intimacy Choreographer). They navigated their casts through the seas of two very different (but perhaps equally chaotic) plays with grace, good humor, and camp’s trademark collaborative kindness. They each crafed safe and supported opportunities for every camper to test the waters outside their comfort zones without fear of sinking. 

Most of all, though, they supported each other. While camp is always a joy, each group of campers is different. In my nine years running camp, I have seen some interesting group dynamics develop over the course of a session. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a group bond as quickly, as intensely, and as thoroughly as this summer’s campers. They seemed to take our shirt quote to heart immediately, and decided early on they would always go hand in hand, never one before another. They advocated for each other’s needs, supported each other’s artistic curiosities, and cheered for each other’s talent show acts so loudly I can still barely hear. Today, you get to see the fruits not only of our intense three-weeks’ labor, but also our three-weeks’ love. There’s more than enough to fill this Playhouse. 

Finally, let me say “thank you” to you: the friends, family, and general supporters of our campers. Thank you for all you did to make today possible. I hope you enjoy the show!

 – Lia Wallace
Education Programs Manager & Camp Director


10:00 AM Doors open

10:30 AM All-camp song and welcome

10:40 AM Performance of Troilus & Cressida

12:00 PM Intermission

12:15 PM Performance of The Comedy of Errors

1:30 PM ASCOT Induction and Group Photos

2:00 PM Lunch in the Life Celebration Reception at Hunt Dining Hall

Director’s Note
Troilus & Cressida

Mili Koncelik

To tell you fair beholders, that our play leaps o’ver the vaunt and first lings of those broils, beginning in the middle.

You’ll hear those words again soon enough. Beginning in the middle. My path to Troilus and Cressida is a strange one. In January 2020, I was cast as Aeneas in the then Shakespeare and Performance MFA production of Troilus and Cressida. I became part of a company of 9 women working on a play riddled with toxic masculinity and a sad love story; mind you, this was a little over four years ago. What I know now is a different play. A play that compels the pain of Achilles losing his companion, Cressida choosing to survive as a prisoner, the dishonor of Hector’s death, and how two women (or three if we count Hector’s mother, Hecuba) are ignored. The complexities Shakespeare reimagined continue to be shaped by the world we live in and how we exist in that world. Dishonorable deaths here and abroad, women being ignored, silenced, or discredited for surviving, and wars where your children were born in the middle. I was a member of that production but never saw its story play out. You will soon witness a beautifully collaborative effort your children, the staff, and I poured into. With this troupe of campers, I am finally rewarded the privilege to see Troilus and Cressida come to fruition.

Director’s Note
The Comedy of Errors

Natasia Reinhardt

Welcome to our production of William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors! Directing this play with our talented group of campers assisted by our incredible staff has been an absolute delight.

The Comedy of Errors is a whirlwind of mistaken identities, humorous misunderstandings, and comedic chaos set in the bustling city of Ephesus. It’s a play that not only showcases the wit and humor of Shakespeare but also challenges our young actors to explore the complexities of character and the joys of physical comedy.

Throughout rehearsals, we’ve emphasized the importance of ensemble work, comedic timing, and embracing the unique challenges and rewards of performing Shakespeare. Our cast has risen to the occasion with enthusiasm and dedication, bringing their own interpretations and personalities to the vibrant characters of this timeless comedy.

Inspired by the lively traditions of Commedia dell’arte and the playful spirit of Muppet-like characters, our production aims to entertain audiences of all ages while celebrating the creativity and talents of our camp participants.

I am immensely proud of what our cast and crew have accomplished together. Their hard work, energy, and commitment have made this production a true joy to direct. I hope you enjoy watching “The Comedy of Errors” as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to life.

Thank you for supporting our young actors; every generation has played a part in where we are today. As John Adams once said “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.” To all who gave this generation the chance to study the art of theatre, I say “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Dramaturg’s Note
Troilus & Cressida

A H. Poma

Troilus and Cressida is a complicated work. It appears as a comedy for the first three acts until it quickly turns tragically sour. Despite the title, Troilus and Cressida’s romance is only the backdrop for the Trojan War. The play isn’t about what you expect it to be based on the title or the first half of the play. It was transgressive in relation to genre for it couldn’t exist in solely one; Troilus and Cressida was an Early Modern work in Modern form.

The world of the play is steeped in fictional and literal history. Textually, the plot of Troilus and Cressida’s romance originates from a Medieval story, and, because of that has all the norms of Medieval culture as baggage. Then there is the war’s history being from Homer’s The Iliad and then centuries of an idea of what and who these classic heroes were. However, Shakespeare’s play pushes against those heroic expectations creating friction between our idealism of heroes and their realities.

Despite it being both a Hellenistic and Medieval story, it maintains an enduring resonance even to the modern day. The themes of war and questioning of those in power are impossible to get rid of as long as any human and bureaucratic structures exist. Troilus and Cressida stands as a timeless exploration of war and the myths of heroism because of its complications.

Dramaturg’s Note
The Comedy of errors

Naomi Stephenson

Why This Play Now?

Answering the question of “why this play now?” is a bit challenging for a play like The Comedy of Errors. It’s a silly sitcom that revolves around a double identical twin gag, and contains little of the philosophizing or pontificating that Shakespeare is often associated with. It was initially written as Christmas entertainment, and was likely meant to be a fun and lighthearted drama. Escapism and hilarity seem to be its main goals.

However, as I considered the question “why this play now?”, I realized I was applying artificial pressure on myself to find out some way that The Comedy of Errors had deep thoughts about the troubles of our world. Why had I decided that escapism and hilarity wasn’t enough? Did joy not have a level of intrinsic worth? Especially within an educational setting such as ASCTC, isn’t there something so important in bringing together a group of young people to have fun and learn with this silly play?

As we present this play, I hope you have as much fun watching it as we have had rehearsing it. I hope it allows you to escape into this crazy, upside-down world. And I hope that you embrace the opportunity to just have a good time.

Cast and sTAFF

Please click the “carrot” on the right hand side to view the Actor/Crew bio. 

Lia Wallace

Camp Director

Lia was born and raised in Philadelphia. She earned her Master of Letters and Master of Fine Arts degrees in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University and a BA in Shakespeare and Education from NYU Gallatin. Lia began as an ASC Education intern in January of 2012 before becoming a part time Education Artist and Playhouse Tour Guide. She joined ASC staff full-time as the College Prep Programs Manager and Camp Director in April of 2016. As the Education Programs Manager for ASC, she now oversees a range of educational programming focusing on Shakespeare’s text and technology for students of all ages. This is her ninth summer running the ASC Theatre Camp.


Show Director, Troilus and Cressida

Mili is a recent graduate of the Mary Baldwin Shakespeare and Performance with her MFA and MLitt in Shakespeare and Performance. During the completion of her MLitt between 2018-2020, she worked with MFA companies, Bards Ablaze and Steadfast Shakespeare, on various productions ranging from Stage Manager for The Tempest to actor in Troilus and Cressida. As part of the MFA company Fireside Shakespeare, she served as a production manager, actor, and director completing five full productions throughout the 2020-2021 academic year. In summer of 2021, she worked with Starling Shakespeare Company on their inaugural season on Mackinac Island, Michigan. She is currently the ASC’s Playhouse Manager, and is excited to be directing for the ASC Theatre Camp for the first time.

Natasia Lucia Reinhardt

Show Director, The Comedy of Errors

Natasia recently graduated with her MFA from Mary Baldwin University where she had the joy of performing the roles of Mercutio, Oberon, and King Lear. Natasia has been seen previously as Mistress Quickly with Richmond Shakespeare Festival and Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati’s 2017-2018 season, and has appeared at the ASC as Calpurnia in Julius Caesar, Lizzie Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Actor in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] (again), First Witch in Macbeth, Mariana in All’s Well that Ends Well, Ensemble in Henry V, Tiny Tim, Beggar Boy, Fan in A Christmas Carol. She has served as Resident Intimacy Choreographer for A Christmas Carol, Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, Thrive, Or What You Will, Pass Over, The Tempest, Pericles, Une Tempête, As You Like It, and Eurydice. This is her second summer directing for the ASC Theatre Camp.

Alan Skoczylas-Harr


Charlottesville, VA

This is Alan’s second time at the ASCTC summer camp, and his first time acting as a lead in a Shakespearean show. He’d like to thank his cast mates and fellow campers for making the last three weeks as amazing as they were, his parents and grandparents for making it possible for him to attend camp, and the camp staff for making the camp as fun, inclusive, educational, and welcoming as it is, and he hopes you enjoy the 2024 camp performances of Troilus and Cressida and Comedy of Errors.

ALENA Sanchez


Fort Bragg, NC

This is Sanchez’s second time at camp and first major acting role. They would like to thank their parents for their support in their extracurriculars during the summer. They would also like to thank all the staff and fellow campers for making such a great experience despite any obstacles faced throughout. Sanchez would also like to thank Dr. Molly Barger for exposing them to both Shakespeare and this wonderful camp. Sanchez hopes that you all enjoy the performances and hopes to return in the coming years.

Allison Monfalcone


Palmyra, VA

This is Allison’s first time at camp, but coincidentally not her first time playing a twin. She would like to thank the RDAs and Interns for making this camp such an inspirational learning experience. Additionally, she would like to thank her parents for supporting her so that she could have this opportunity. She had an amazing time working with her director and cast mates, and is glad to see a successful fruition of their hard work. Allison is excited to continue acting in the future as she pursues it further in college.

Annabelle Heflin


Blacksburg, VA

Annabelle is a 13 year-old Shakespeare nerd. She’s very excited to be at camp here. She would like to thank her parents for letting her come here, her directors and counselors for helping her improve, and her fellow campers for being supportive. She has had a blast at camp and hopes to attend next year.

Audrina Macias


Yuma, AZ

This is Audrina’s second year at the ASCTC and she’s super excited to play Agamemnon in Troilus and Cressida this year! She wants to give a big thank you to her Momma and Stepdad for helping her come to this amazing camp again this year. Special thanks to Laura, Adam, Trevor, Angie, Carly, and her other amazing friends and family for supporting her love for the theatre. She hopes you enjoy all the hard work that has gone into the campers productions!

Bee Larrieu


Newport News, VA

This is Bee’s second time at camp, AND second time performing in one of those really fun Shakespeare plays that makes people go “…huh?” after reading it (the best ones, in her opinion). Bee would like to thank Shakespeare for writing evil au Iliad fan fiction because she finds it both highly humorous and incredibly interesting, and additionally she would thank him for that convenient letter he sent her explaining exactly what he meant and what acting choices should be made on every line ever. Finally, she would also of course like to thank her fellow campers, the camp staff, and all members involved in the production process for being so cool and awesome and cool.

Chiara Modica


Ridgewood, New Jersey

Chiara is glad to attend camp for the first time. This is their first time acting in one of Shakespeare’s comedies and he is rather excited about it. She wants to thank the RDAs, production interns, and other staff members for making everything run smoothly and the CoE cast for putting on a wonderful show. The pronoun switching was on purpose by the way.

Delilah Walters


Staunton, VA

Delilah is a camper from Staunton, VA, who has been in theatre since they were a young child. This is their first time going to Shakespeare camp or any kind of overnight camp and they would to thank the RDAs for making this such an amazing experience. They would also like to thank their family and friends for supporting them throughout their theatre journey. Camp has been an amazing experience and they would hope to return to camp next summer.



Spearfish, SD

This is Ellie’s first time at ASCTC and first time in Virginia from the far, far land of the Midwest. Back home, Ellie is a committed member of her school’s drama club and in her free time enjoys songwriting, directing productions of her own, and spending time with her pet geese. She would like to thank her family and friends for all their support in her acting aspirations, and all of her camp friends for making the experience so fun. Ellie hopes you enjoy the shows and hopes to return to ASCTC next summer!

Elodie Kahrl


Charlottesville, VA

This is Elodie’s first time at camp, and she is so happy to be here! She would like to thank her parents, who have always supported her acting journey, and her sister, for being a part of this camp with her and being an encouraging friend. She also thanks the RDAs and camp staff for making camp a fun place, and her fellow cast mates for making her feel welcome and making her laugh. Elodie hopes you enjoy the show!

Emily Reed


Jamestown, RI

Emily is a rising senior at Narragansett High School in Narragansett, RI. This is her first time performing Shakespeare and at camp. Emily is extremely grateful for the opportunity and has had a lot of fun with the whole experience. She hopes to have more chances to perform Shakespeare in the future. She would like to thank her mom for encouraging her to come to camp and inspiring her to study Shakespeare, and her cast mates and directors for making the process so fun and collaborative.

Everett Smith


Charlottesville, VA

This is Everett’s second time at camp and the first time he’s been in the tragedy. He would like to thank his parents and the people at camp for giving him a chance to do Shakespeare with people who also want to do Shakespeare.

Gal Erez


Mexico City, Mexico

This is Gal’s first time at camp. It is her first time acting in a comedy. She would like to thank The Anglo Foundation for sending her to camp through the second place prize scholarship in The Shakespeare Competition, as well as her parents. She would also like to thank the RDAs and Production Interns for making this experience so enjoyable, her cast mates for being such wonderful scene partners and the rest of the campers for inspiring her as well as all the wonderful actors she got to learn from. She hopes to enjoy all the shows and looks forward to preforming!

Hattie Moore


Williamsburg, VA

This is Hattie’s second time at this wonderful camp, and she is eager for her first time playing the “fool” in a Shakespearian play! She learned so much last year, and has continued to flourish this year. Hattie wants to especially thank all of her dorky Shakespeare friends for making such beautiful nerd memories with her, and her parents for bringing her here (oh yeah, and paying for it). She wishes all the audience a wonderful shakespearience, and hopes you enjoy and forgive her witty (and slightly vulgar) jesting. Tallyho!

Hudson Bronik-Ezzell


Staunton, VA

This is Hudson’s third year at camp and she is so excited for you to see what we’ve been working on! She would like to thank her parents, her brother, and her cat, Gabe, for being so supportive. She would also like to thank the camp staff for creating such a wonderful environment. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Isabel Valenzuela


Waynesboro, VA

Isabel resides in Waynesboro VA, and was born in Staunton, attending the Shakespeare Center’s Christmas Carol every year since she was little. She is a rising 10th grader at Stuart Hall School. Her hobbies include the occasional baking and cooking attempts as well as water coloring and collaging from time to time. Isabel also enjoys creative writing, and was apart of an English honors class at her school in 9th grade. This is her 2nd time at ASC theatre camp. Isabel would like to thank all the people who have supported her during her time at camp, especially her parents. She would also like to thank all the wonderful RDAs and amazing friends she has had the chance to spend the summer with! Isabel hopes to come back next year to create more great memories!

James Riffe


Radford, VA

This camper is so happy to be acting at the Blackfriars for a second time! He has always loved being in comedies and making the audience laugh. He would like to thank his family for pushing him to pursue new opportunities and the world at large. He would also like to thank his fellow campers for always being there, as no actor is whole without a good cast. He would also also like to thank his cat, for pestering and pleading for his eventual return back home. Finally, he wants to thank all of the lovely counselors, interns, and staff that taught and fought for a great camp experience. He hopes you enjoy Comedy of Errors and keeps you on your toes.

John Spellman


Morgantown, WV

This is John’s first time at camp and he has had a great time working with this wonderful group of people. They have been very supportive and have taught him a lot. He’s made a lot of friends and hopes you enjoy the play. It has been a joy to work with fellow experienced young actors, and Shakespeare nerds. He’s had a number of experiences that he will never forget and he is very thankful for his family for supporting his love of theater and all of his old and new friends for making the journey all that more easy and entertaining. Sadly he won’t be returning due to him going into college this year, but is very grateful to have had this experience before he graduated.

Juliet Barrial


Los Angeles, CA & Philadelphia, PA

Though Juliet has been immersed in Shakespeare since she was 4-years old, this is her first year on stage with the American Shakespeare Center. She would like to thank the ASC staff for being so supportive and kind, especially Sam Grocock for being there for her throughout all of camp. She would also like to thank her scene partners, friends, and all the actors at camp for being inspirational and welcoming. Finally, she would like to thank her family for encouraging her in her love of theater and music.

Laura Medley


Staunton, VA

This is Laura’s first time attending camp, and also her first time singing in a play! She is so excited to perform Troilus and Cressida and in The Tempest showcase scene. Laura wants to thank her friends and family for supporting her during camp, as well as her cats! She also wants to thank the RDAs for helping her feel more comfortable while getting settled into camp. Laura hopes everyone attending enjoys the shows and she looks forward to attending camp again in the future.

Max Girard


Mount Sidney, VA

This is Max’s first year at camp, and her first time performing in a Shakespearean play. She’s very excited to be able to take part in this program. She’s thankful for her friends and family’s support. She’s ecstatic to be performing with her fellow campers and friends, and is proud of the effort she’s put into this and the results she’s seen come from her work. She’s very excited to be performing at the American Shakespeare Center and hopes to come back next summer.

Muriel Kahrl


Charlottesville, VA

Muriel is a thirteen year-old who enjoys reading, swimming on the Fry Springs swim team, shopping, baking, and hanging out with friends. She is playing Nestor in Troilus and Cressida, her first time performing in a tragedy. She has enjoyed learning about Shakespeare, having fun in voice class, and fighting in combat class during her three weeks here. She would like to thank her parents for supporting her and sending her to camp and her dog Crystal for being adorable. She would also like to thank the friendly and helpful RDAs and Production Interns, and funny and nice castmates. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Olivia Luebeck


Roanoke, VA

Olivia Luebeck is a rising senior at Community High School in Roanoke, VA. This is only the second Shakespeare play she has been in and it is her first time at camp. She has learned so much during her time at camp and she can’t wait to continue studying acting in the future. She would like to thank all of the wonderful friends she made at camp and the amazing staff for always encouraging her to learn and grow. She would also like to thank her parents for allowing her to attend camp and inspiring her to study Shakespeare.

Olivia Rose Horoszowski


Pleasantville, NY

Olivia Rose (Samantha) is so thrilled to be playing Cressida for her first traditional Shakespeare play. She would like to thank her parents, her babcia, her cousin Tori and all of her friends from home. She has had such a great time learning about Shakespeare and how to perform in the Blackfriars Playhouse. Olivia Rose hopes to continue performing Shakespeare and improving her acting abilities. Finally she would like to thank all of the friends she made at camp and for all of their kindness, support and cuddles.

Pax Skaggs


Waynesboro, VA

This is Pax’s third and final year of attending camp. The experience across all three years as a whole has been nothing short of enriching, entertaining, and educational. He will miss this camp very much, but hopes that he may return in the future to give back to the ASC. He would also like to thank his grandmother for being the one to get him interested in Shakespeare, and his mother for investing in this camp for him.

Phoenix Claibourn


Charlottesville, VA

This is Phoenix’s third time at camp and he is elated to be back. He would like to thank his cast mates, friends, and parents for supporting his acting journey. He would also like to thank the RDAs and interns for being incredibly supportive and making these productions possible. He hopes you enjoy the show!

Sophie Statler


Fredericksburg, VA

Sophie is a long-time theatre student, and is thrilled to be playing Adriana in Comedy of Errors. She would like to thank her parents for supporting every single step of the way. She would also like to thank all of the RDAs, interns, ASC actors, and coordinators that brought these shows to success. She would also like to extend a special thanks to all of the sweet and funny campers that she met along the way. Enjoy the shows!

Willow Peyton


St. Mary’s, WV

Willow Peyton is beyond excited for her first (and sadly her last) show with ASCTC. Willow hails from the wild and wonderful West Virginia. She recently had the opportunity to represent West Virginia on the national stage at Lincoln Center in New York City for the English Speaking Union’s National Shakespeare Competition where she placed second in the nation. Willow also was one of nine national finalists for the National Endowment for the Art’s Poetry Out Loud competition in D.C. She studied Acting at WVGSA in 2022, and has been acting on stage for as long as she can remember. Willow’s film credits include 3 full-feature length movies with JCFilms and a short film with Mission West Virginia. She has had an amazing time at ASCTC and loves her friends so dearly! Chuuuurrrll!!!

Wren Hamner


Harrisonburg, VA

This is Wren’s second year at camp and sixth time performing in a Shakespeare play. They would like to thank their parents for always supporting them, their brother for always being there for them, and their friends at camp for making the experience so fun. They hope you enjoy the show!

Zephyr Sydney Heflin


Blacksburg, VA

Zephyr is so excited to be a first-year camper! They’re so happy to be able to play one of their ultimate Shakespeare dream roles in showcase and to get to be a truly awful man in T&C! They would love to say thank you to all their friends at camp and in Blacksburg for being incredibly epic, to all the amazing staff members for making camp happen, to their sister Annabelle for how awesome of a sibling she is, and especially to their parents for all their unconditional support and love!

Zoe Symons


Newark, DE

This is Zoe’s first time at camp after loving Shakespeare for over five years. She would love to thank her cast mates, RDAs, director, and family for allowing her to have such an amazing experience. She has been in several different plays, and has dreamed of performing on the stage at the Blackfriars Playhouse ever since she saw her first show there. She hopes you enjoy the show and is super excited to perform for you all!

Jake Raiter


RDA Team Captain (Fight Director)

Jake Raiter is an actor and teaching artist currently based in Staunton, VA, and this is first rodeo with the ASCTC. He earned his BFA in Performance Arts from the Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University, and is currently in his second year in the Mary Baldwin University Shakespeare and Performance Graduate Program. He most recently won the Cohen Ampersand Award for the Top First Year student in S&P Graduate Program. He most recently worked with Struts and Frets Theatre Company, toured the West Coast with Puppeteers for Fears, the MBU Undergrad Theatre Department on Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage, and performed Two Noble Kinsmen and As You Like It with his graduate cohort. It has been an absolute joy and privilege to work with these campers and see their growth and spirit. Breathe, Eye Contact, and be silly!

Joan Raube-Wilson


RDA Team Captain (Music Director)

Joan is an actor, singer, teacher, and music director, entering her second year of MBU’s Shakespeare and Performance master’s program. She has performed regionally in upstate New York and the greater Boston area. Some of her favorite recent roles include Jaques/Oliver in As You Like It, First Queen in Two Noble Kinsmen, Sylvia in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She’s honored to have worked with these incredible campers this summer, and she’s so proud of all the hard work they have done on their productions, showcase scenes, and songs.

Sam Grocock


RDA Wellness Leader (Stage Management mentor), Comedy of Errors

Sam is a Manhattan based stage manager and 2nd year MFA candidate at Columbia University. Originally from Granger, IN, she graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a BA in Film, Television, and Theatre and a minor in Korean in 2023. Her interest in Shakespeare grew by working at the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival during the 2022 and 2023 summer festival season. Since moving to New York City, she has furthered her passion for stage management and storytelling. This summer is her first at the ASC and she has been delighted to spend time in Staunton and to get to know the camp team. She is grateful for the opportunity to create with and learn from the campers! Special love and thanks to her grandad for his constant support and for being her favorite partner on adventures.

Austen Bell


RDA Wellness Leader & Stage Management Mentor for Troilus and Cressida

Austen Bell is a 114-year-old hobgoblin and graduate of Emory & Henry College. A multi-hyphenate theatre artist, Austen loves even the weird stuff about theatre, like text analysis and set change spreadsheets, and is perpetually on the verge of nerding out about its every aspect. Professional experience includes technical, educational, and performance work with the Barter Theatre in Abingdon, VA; West Virginia’s Greenbrier Valley Theatre; and the ASC, as well as directorial and educational work with Nantucket Dreamland Theatre. Austen is returning to an RDA role at camp, this year for Troilus and Cressida, and it has been so cool working with these students and watching them grow and learn! When not doing theatre, Austen can be found writing, reading old books, and struggling to learn Korean on Duolingo – typical hobgoblin activities.

D. Scarlet Frishman


RDA Social Leader (Dramaturgy Mentor), Comedy of Errors

D. Scarlet Frishman is a 2nd-year graduate student at Mary Baldwin University in the Shakespeare & Performance program. She also has an undergraduate degree from Columbia College Chicago in Musical Theatre. Recent performances for Scarlet include As You Like It (Rosalind) and The Two Noble Kinsmen (Hippolyta), both with MBU, and Puffs (Megan) with Silver Line Theatre Exchange. Scarlet worked with camp last year as the Dramaturgy Intern for Cymbeline, and is thrilled to be returning for her second year as staff after two years of being a camper herself back in high school. Outside of school and Camp she is a trained intimacy choreographer, certified in 3 stage combat weapons, and a lover of crochet. She is so thankful to have gotten to work with these incredible campers and their director Natasia this summer.

Marielle Buxbaum


RDA Wellness Leader (Dramaturgy Mentor), Troilus & Cressida

Marielle Buxbaum is an avid writer, director, actor, and emerging theater educator. She is a three time ASCTC camper, and is thrilled to be back at camp aiding campers in their mischief and magic. Her theatrical work has taken her to Jerusalem to research hummus politics for her play The Hummus Wars, the Ecuadorian Amazon to devise plays with local youth exploring the environment and migration, and to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, performing in and co-producing a devised piece about the dangers of AI. This September, Marielle will be beginning a Fulbright year in Ecuador, where she will be designing a playwriting for social change program with theater company Teatro Quimera. Marielle has been so grateful for the energy, passion, and commitment of all the campers and staff at camp, and if you asked her whether she loves ASCTC with all her heart, she’d tell you “Alas it is my vice, my fault” (Act IV, Scene IV).

naomi stephenson


Production Intern (Dramaturgy), Comedy of Errors

Naomi is a rising junior at Brandeis University. She is thrilled to be working with ASCTC for the first time! At Brandeis, she has directed The Tempest, As You Like It, and Hamlet, as well as serving as a dramaturg for Twelfth Night. Special thanks to her family for their constant support and encouragement, Lia for this opportunity, and Natasia for all her invaluable lessons!

Isabella Pizzitola


Production Intern (Stage Management), Comedy of Errors

This is Isabella’s first time as an intern, and the previous few summers they have been lucky enough to be a camper here as well. They are from Houston, Texas and just finished their first year at college. Isabella would like to thank everyone who has supported them, the staff and the campers, for the opportunity to work on this wonderful show.

A.H. Poma


Production Intern (Dramaturgy), Troilus and Cressida

Poma is a rising Junior at Ithaca College, studying Dramaturgy and Literature, who found a love for Shakespeare early in life at the ASC’s Drama Club. They continued that by attending camp for three years and have returned! He is ecstatic to give back to what has taught him nearly everything he knows. Most recently, they have directed a production of Dr. Faustus and is the upcoming Dramaturg for Stupid F***ing Bird at Ithaca College. He would like to thank everyone who has taught him anything: his parents, Lia, his professors, his old high school theatre teacher, and his cat, Bella. Of course a special thank you to the cast for making this an enjoyable and fascinating process. Most importantly a big thank you to Mili, for trusting them with her play, allowing him to learn many skills, and dealing with the constant notes from him.

Amy Hartt


Production Intern (Stage Management), Troilus and Cressida

Amy is based in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and elated to have the opportunity to intern with the ASC and continue her stage management journey with T&C! She is grateful to have been able to recently rekindle her love of Shakespeare as co-creator and Co-President of The Shakespeare Guild at ECU where she recently directed A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Amy is a rising Junior at East Carolina University pursuing a major in Theater Arts Education and a minor in Stage Management where she is also a Resident Advisor on campus. This journey has been so fulfilling for her and she can’t wait to continue spreading the love of Shakespeare with her community!

Seth & Sharon Stark, Sarah Lewis Holmes, Vanessa Morosco, Aubrey Whitlock, KP Powell, Summer England, Kara Hankard, Thomas L. Coppola, Jocelyn Thompson, Madison Lindy, Jenny Bennett, Ginna Hoben, Allie Babich, Dr. Pete Kirwan, Amy Wert, Marie Lupia, Conrad Gothard, Amber James, Cindy Fellows, Teresa Djuric, Christian Froelich, Kay Shirley, Lexie West, the English Speaking Union, the Anglo Mexican Foundation, and Mary Baldwin University for all their support.

Dr. Ralph Alan Cohen and Sarah Enloe for lighting the way.

The friends and family of the performers for making it all possible.


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*Epizeuxis (ep·i·zeux·is) is the rhetorical device that represents words in repetition

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