Need help with BlkFrsTV? Have questions about how it works? See if your question is listed here!

Q: Can I share this link and password with friends?

A:  No, this secure link is for your use only.  Please encourage your friends to purchase their own digital tickets!

Q: Can I watch the show multiple times? Can I stop and start it?

A: Yes! You can access the stream for a week’s length after you watch it and enjoy the performance as many times as you like.

Q: Are the films closed-captioned?

A: Yes! The videos are closed captioned. You will need to turn this feature on when you begin watching the video.

Q: What is the best way to share BlkFrsTV with my friends?

A: Share a link to this page on your social media! Or, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and share our posts!

Q: I want to send a stream as a gift—how can I do that?

A: We can absolutely send a gift stream for you! Follow the instructions here.

Q: If I requested a placeholder for a future show, does this digital ticket count as my show? 

A:  Yes, if you request the secure link, we will use your placeholder for this purpose.  Alternatively, you can purchase a digital ticket and leave your placeholder for a future performance at the Blackfriars Playhouse.

Q: I didn’t receive my email confirmation. Now what?

A:  Please, email and we will resend the email confirmation.

Q: Will these videos be high quality?

A: Yes! These recorded versions of our performances were filmed on high-definition cameras and then carefully edited by a team of professionals. Each video is broadcast-quality.

Q: The link you sent me isn’t working, OR, I am experiencing trouble with playback of the video. Where can I find help?

A: Our videos are hosted on Vimeo. Some questions and issues may be best resolved by Vimeo, not ASC. Here are a few links to ‘Help’ articles from Vimeo which may solve your problem:

Not sure what you need help with? Take a look at the General Help articles. 

Link not loading correctly? Check to make sure you are using a supported browser. 

Video skipping or lagging? Take a look at the recommended Internet settings.

Q: Can I watch on my Roku/Smart TV?

A: Check out these articles from the Vimeo Help Center. 

We here at ASC don’t know the specifics of your TV and how it works, so we can’t tell you exactly what to do. The only way to purchase and view the video is on your computer or phone, but if you have an HDMI cable, you can easily hook your computer up to the TV to see it on the big screen.

Another recommended route is to download the “Vimeo” app on to your Smart TV. Vimeo is where our videos are hosted. If you are able to get the Vimeo app on your TV, make an account on your computer, add your ASC streaming video to your “Watch Later” list. Then, log into your new Vimeo account on your TV. You should be able to view the streaming performance from your “Watch Later” list.

More info can be found in the article linked above.

Don’t see your question – contact us!