Our valentine for educators!

Fill out the form below before February 20th

we’ll send you a free link, good for the month of February, to enjoy this Shakespeare Classic with your students!

Midsummer lovers sleep in A Midsummer's Night Dream



ASC’s New-Orleans-flavored production of Shakespeare’s magical comedy wades into a bayou of masked hobgoblins, enchanting nymphs, and imps who sing the blues





Explore additional ASC Education programming

The American Shakespeare Center recovers the joys and accessibility of Shakespeare’s theatre, language, and humanity by exploring the English Renaissance stage and its practices through performance and education. Our Digital Curriculum (also known as the “SHX Series”) brings together everything our well-regarded Education Team knows and makes it available to you virtually.

In the age of coronavirus, the ASC Education Team knows that you’re looking to enrich your life in a variety of new, safe ways. Whether you are a parent navigating distance-learning for the first time, a teacher looking to bring the joy of Shakespeare into your classroom virtually, or just an excited fan who wants to engage with literature and drama during your spare hours — we’ve got you covered.

FOr your classroom

Virtual Student matinees

Explore other BlkFrsTV options to bring the Blackfriars Playhouse to your students. Current titles include Twelfth Night, Othello, and A Christmas Carol.


Our education artists will teach your class and re-energize the learning experience for you and your students via live streamed workshops.


Bring a professional ASC actor into your classroom virtually for a customizable hour experience.


Have an ASC Education faculty member engage your class while they watch one of our BlkFrsTV performances with background information to enrich their viewing experience.

for professional development and personal enrichment


Using activities that work across Shakespeare’s canon, explore new tools and techniques for your Shakespeare unit through three workshops.


ASC brings an engaging Shakespeare learning experience to you. We combine real-time workshops taught by our ASC Master Educators and an on-demand stream of a BlkFrsTV performance. All SHXCademies culminate in live work with ASC Actors. Educators can also earn CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for professional development credits.