Duck Bracey

Props Designer
THIS SEASON: Props Designer for Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
PREVIOUS ASC CREDITS: Technical Properties Director for A Christmas Carol (2023), Hamlet (2023), Coriolanus (2023), Much Ado About Nothing (2023), The Taming of the Shrew (2023), Measure for Measure (2023) The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] (Again) (2023), Eurydice (2023), As You Like It (2023)
OTHER CREDITS: Props Designer: Hotel Berry, Tantrum Theater. EVERYBODY, Ohio University. Prop Shop Manager: Ohio University (2022). Head of Drama and Theater Tech- Camp Fernwood (2022). Props Journeyperson: Maine State Music Theater (2018)
BIO: Duckery Bracey is a properties director, designer, and artisan from Delta, Pennsylvania. They specialize in carpentry, foam carving, 3D print designs, magic/stage illusions, and the occasional trip out to the curling rink and climbing wall. A special yeehaw to all my fellow prop pals out there.
EDUCATION: MFA in Props Technology, Ohio University (2023) BA in Theater, Washington and Lee University (2020)