Lia Wallace

Education Programs Manager
Favorite Shakespeare Play:
Henry VI, Part 3
Shakespeare Character that best describes me:
Rosalind in As You Like It, but I’m not happy about it — wanna listen to me talk about it for far longer than necessary?
Favorite shakespeare quote:
There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Favorite play that isn’t by shakespeare:
Cyrano de Bergerac (by Edmond Rostand but I only like the Anthony Burgess translation like let’s be real)
All time favorite ASC Moment
The entirety of the 2012 Actors’ Renaissance Season production of Richard III with Ben Curns as Richard III because I will never get over it, I will never get over it, I will NEVER GET OVER IT.
Lia was born and raised in Philadelphia. She earned her Master of Letters and Master of Fine Arts degrees in Shakespeare & Performance from Mary Baldwin University and a BA in Shakespeare and Education from NYU Gallatin.
Lia began as an ASC Education intern in January of 2012 before becoming a part time Education Artist and Playhouse Tour Guide. She joined the ASC staff full-time as the College Prep Programs Manager and Camp Director in April of 2016, transitioned to Performance Studies Manager sometime in the pandemonium of 2020, and is now the Education Programs Manager. She oversees a range of educational programming focusing on Shakespeare’s text and technology (highlights include the ASC Theatre Camp, a residential summer intensive for students ages 13-19, and the ASC Drama Club, an after school program for students ages 8-12) and serves as dramaturg for ASC’s early modern productions.