Marc C. Conner
Finance Chair of the Board of Trustees
I am proud to be an ASC Board Member Because
The ASC makes Shakespeare a living, breathing, wondrous experience for everyone who walks in the door.
My all-time favorite ASC moment was:
Watching James Keegan play Falstaff one night, and Lear the next, each with near-perfect emotion, confidence, and brilliance.
You should support the ASC because:
Being able to see the greatest drama the world has ever known, performed with insight and passion, week in and week out, is beyond price.
Marc is the Provost and Jo M. and James Ballengee Professor of English at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA. His central area of teaching and scholarly expertise is Diasporic Modernism, both Narrative and Poetry, including Irish Modernism, the Modern American Novel, and African-American Literature. He also teaches extensively in Shakespeare, the Bible as Literature, and related courses in Literature and Religion and Literature and Philosophy.
He is the recipient of a Mellon Grant, a Teagle Grant, and is a two-time nominee for the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia Governor’s Award for Oustanding Faculty Member. He is also the recipient of the Anece McCloud Excellence in Diversity Award, as well as a Lenfest/John M. Glenn Grant Summer Research Fellowship. He has published numerous books, scholarly essays, articles, and book chapters, most recently a chapter titled “A Phenomenology of the Craft of Writing” in The Way of the Writing Life by Charles Johnson (Scribner, December 2016).