Today we welcome the first eight competitors to the arena. Who will advance to the next round? You decide!

Match 1: Richard III vs Sebastian

Who wins the battle?

  • Richard III
  • Sebastian

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Match 2: Aaron the Moor vs Puck

Who wins the battle?

  • Aaron the Moor
  • Puck

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Match 3: Lady Macbeth vs Charles the Wrestler

Who wins the battle?

  • Lady Macbeth
  • Charles the Wrestler

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Match 4: Mark Antony vs Tybalt Capulet

Who wins the battle?

  • Mark Antony
  • Tybalt Capulet

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My thoughts: Sebastian may be a fine duelist, but his innocent nature doesn’t stand a chance against Richard III. I suspect Sebastian “gets lost” on the way to the field of battle and turns up in a ditch three weeks later, half-eaten by wild dogs. Aaron versus Puck is a bit tougher — Aaron is ruthless, vicious, and malicious, but Puck has magic on his side. I’m going to go with Puck, because insulting the Fae is never a good way to start the morning. Charles could probably take Lady Macbeth in a fair fight based solely on physical power… but do we think Lady M is going to fight fair? I doubt it. One of those drugged possets will have found its way into his morning protein shake, and he’ll be down for the count. As for Antony and Tybalt, I have to confess personal prejudice here — I adore Mark Antony, so I’m giving the edge to him out of sheer affection. Besides, tough Roman soldier that he is, I doubt he’d put up with any of Tybalt’s prancing about and delicate footwork, and a thin rapier isn’t going to do much against a Roman shield.

Think I’m wrong about any of my picks? Tell me about it! Argue with me (and each other) in the comments or on Facebook.

These polls will stay open until next Tuesday, and then we’ll find out who advances to the next round. If you need a refresher on any of the combatants, visit the March Madness Intro Page for their bios.


  1. Love this SO MUCH. Antony v. Tybalt was the hardest for me by far… but in the end I chose Antony, too, with Aaron the Moor v. Puck a close second. (I didn't read your comments until I had voted, so as not be prejudiced, but we ended up voting the same, anyway.)

  2. I wish I could hide my opinions behind a cut like on LJ — because I want to say what I think, but I don't want to prejudice people. I want readers to disagree! I want arguments! ;D

  3. Pitting minor characters against major ones all but guarantees a win for the major character. Charles the Wrestler vs. Sebastian might be an interesting match …

  4. Alas for random seeding! I do feel bad for poor Sebastian, but I think I'm glad it worked out this way, rather than having to choose between Richard and, say, Macbeth or Iago in the first round.