Today’s Date: July 23, 2019


Show Title: The Roaring Girl

Director: Stephanie Ann Foster

Assistant Directors: Cortland Nesley and Molly Harper


Stage Manager: Joe Marsh

Dramaturg: Madison Miller


Rehearsal Room: Deming


What we did: We cleaned up Act 5 scene 1, making sure that the comedy was precise and the whole scene flowed sensically. Then we ran. Not literally of course, but we ran the show, starting from the beginning so Stephanie Ann could begin to polish. The cast has been working very hard to maintain the blocking from the beginning of our rehearsals, and to maintain the precision and comedic moments we set up from the beginning. We finished up after our cleaning the first half of the show with a focus out. Now the campers are off to lunch, and showcase rehearsals. If you are in town on this Saturday, the 27th, come see the work that the campers have been doing in our mid session showcase performance. 





Sir Alex: “You are kissing my maids, drinking or fast asleep.”

Neatfoot: “Your worship has it right.”



“You can’t take us down…we’re…women…or whatever.”


-Stephanie Ann



Stephanie Ann: “What are you guys going to say.”

Virginia: “Women’s. Linen.”



Production Insight: We have begun working with full props: sticks, pipes, canes, swords, hula hoops, drums. It is amazing to watch the actors getting to work with the physicality of having things in hand. This is always the fun part, to have the influence of props, costumes, and the show aesthetic can truly inform character and can influence the dynamic and energy of the show. This show is shaping up in a fun and flamboyant way, and is truly not to be missed.