Yesterday kicked off the first official day of SHX Camp 2020 and it was filled with excitement and talent! Our lovely campers started their day with a tablaue warm-up lead by Jack Read, the director for Julius Caesar. Pictured below is a screenshot from the exercise.
After being warmed up it was time for auditions and our campers did not disappoint. They brought their A-game and nailed the exercise to make a tweet based on their monologue. Here are a few of those tweets, can you guess who is the character tweeting?
While the production team broke off to cast the shows, the campers had a movement and acting class lead by ASC actors Brandon Carter and Michael Mannochio. Then they broke off to their elective classes. Pictured below is a screenshot from the Production Design class led by ASC guest designer, Victoria Depew
After electives, the cast list went up! Our campers were ecstatic to start the journey and after our dinner break, Julius Caesar and All’s Well That Ends Well casts had their first rehearsal. Here is a screenshot from All’s Well That Ends Well rehearsal, directed by Lauren Carlton.
We ended our day with a lullaby led by the intern and Production Manager of Julius Caesar Mary Rose Valentine. Such a serene, lovely way to end the day! Stay tuned on our social media to find out what else we have in store. This is going to be a glorious summer, apart yet still together.