Hello blog readers! Here’s another #ASCTC2023 camp life blog post, to catch you up on all the cool stuff we’ve done in the last two days (and it’s a lot!).

Some campers (Maggie, Lauren, Everett, Gaia, and Wren) exploring a dream sequence.


First up: masterclasses. Yesterday, campers had classes in acting, improv, and, rhetoric! In acting class, instructor Michael Blackwood introduced the essentials of speaking verse. Campers tossed juggling balls to get into the rhythm of Shakespeare’s language.

Campers worked with instructor Michael Blackwood on audition pieces in acting class


Improv instructor Kara Hankard showed campers a bunch of exciting games, including some fun worldbuilding exercises.

Improv training teaches both comedy skills and the necessities of onstage performance.


Camp Director Lia Wallace introduced campers to the ROADS of rhetoric. This mnemonic (standing for Repetition, Omission, Addition, Direction, Substitution) helps us remember the essential language devices Shakespeare employed in his writing.

Then, Caesar director Natasia Reinhardt led a workshop in intimacy choreography. This gave campers the basic vocabulary they need for creating and sustaining a healthy and safe working environment in both the rehearsal room and onstage.

Campers learned about levels of touch, which allows them to communicate more specifically and safely with scene partners.


And today, campers learned even more! ASC Associate Director of Education Programming Aubrey Whitlock returned to ideas of rhythm, and taught campers the basics of scansion— the system of marking metrical stress in verse. Lia Wallace hit another home run with her masterclass in audience contact. Campers got to practice all the ways actors can interact with audiences at the Blackfriars Playhouse (to much applause and laughter).


Finally, rehearsals are going great! Both Cymbeline and Caesar have started blocking, and planning a few fun musical surprises for you. Not to mention, this evening, campers had their first Showcase rehearsals. Showcase is an exciting time for campers and RDAs, alike. The RDAs get to direct some short scenes from across Shakespeare’s canon, giving campers the chance and challenge to learn even more lines and have even more fun.

Showcase scenes are a great time for campers to work one-on-one with actors from the other mainstage show


Tomorrow, the campers get to see their first show in the Blackfriars Playhouse, Measure for Measure, after meeting ASC co-founder Ralph Alan Cohen. It’s sure to be a memorable time, so check back here in a few days for more updates and pictures.

See you soon!