Can’t wait to get to camp?

(you’re not alone.)

Won’t give up ’til you get more?

(now you don’t have to.)

Extend the ASC Theatre Camp experience beyond the session with the Extended Experience Week (XXW).


The Extended Experience Week, or the XXW (a far better shorthand acronym than the more alphabetically accurate but undeniably unappealing “EEW”), takes place in the week leading up to the Session and is designed to expand (or extend) the camp experience.  The XXW is open to campers from either session (or both). During the XXW, campers live in the MBU dorms, eat in the dining hall, and remain under the supervision of camp staff — just like they do during regular sessions.

XXW Campers don’t just lounge around Staunton waiting for the Session to begin. Rather, they’re actively preparing to get the most out of their ASC Theatre Camp experience by learning all about the nuts and bolts of what it takes to do theatre at the professional level.

While the Session itself focuses on performance training, the XXW is a chance for our campers to dive deep into some of the backstage worlds of theatre production and administration. Previous internships have included working in the costume shop, assisting with props, helping the marketing department, learning about fundraising and grant writing with development department, doing dramaturgical research, assisting with education administration, etc. Available internships vary each year by availability, need, and interest.

Sound like all work and no play? Think again. XXW campers also get to join camp staff on out-of-town field trips. The super secret destination(s) are always changing, but in the past campers have enjoyed trips to King’s Dominion, Busch Gardens, and Six Flags and taken trips to Richmond and DC for dinner (or an overnight) and a show (or two or three).


Campers who do not wish to participate in the extended experience may not arrive to camp early. We are happy to accommodate Early Arrival campers whose travel arrangements put them in Staunton a day early – they may move in to the dorms and spend the night for a small fee. No other exceptions.

Yes – tuition for the XXW is $900. This covers everything – all food and housing as well as administrative costs and field trip expenses. Plus, XXW campers retain the privilege of free admission to all American Shakespeare Center shows during their stay.

XXW costs will be added to the total price of tuition and may be included in payment plans. Financial aid may not be used to cover XXW tuition.

Accepted camper applicants may elect to enroll in the XXW at the time of registration.

Registered campers who wish to enroll in the XXW but did not do say at the time of registration should contact Lia Wallace at