Hope Maddox

Costume Designer
THIS SEASON: Costume Designer for A Christmas Carol
BIO: Hope Maddox works at Randolph College as the Costume Shop Manager and Resident Designer where she has designed: Doctor Faustus, Spitfire Grill, Hammered: A Thor and Loki Play, Squirrel Girl Goes to College, Alice in Wonderland, The Sea Voyage, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Little Shop of Horrors. Previously, she was the Costume Shop Manager at the American Shakespeare Center from 2018-2020 and has designed Romeo and Juliet (2022) and A Christmas Carol (2022). She has worked with Endstation Theatre Company, Sweet Briar College and the Lynchburg Museum System. She received her B.A. in Theatre, Minor in History from Longwood University, and M.A. in Nonprofit Leadership Studies from the University of Lynchburg. She holds a certificate from the University of Glasgow and Historic Royal Palaces in A History of Royal Fashion, as well as one from the University of Roehampton in Tudor History.