Build confidence and expand creativity with the ultimate team sport: Theatre.
Offered in partnership with City of Staunton Parks and Recreation.
With Shakespeare’s text as our touchstone and his technology as our laboratory, ASC Drama Club meets once a week in ~12-week terms to explore Shakespeare’s wordcraft and stagecraft through play, building confidence and expanding creativity by working together to craft and rehearse a final performance at the Blackfriars Playhouse. Included in the cost of each Drama Club is a ticket for each participant to join the group on a field trip to the Blackfriars Playhouse.
Registration for Spring 2025 ASC Drama Clubs is currently CLOSED. Registration will re-open for Fall 2025.
spring 2025 CYCLE: january 26 – april 27, 2025
Final Performance: Sunday, april 27 @ 7:30pm
ASC Drama Club – Junior
Ages: 8-13
Play: King Lear
Cost: $185 for residents, $187 for non-residents
Learn the theatrical basics by working on an abridged production of a Shakespeare play. Participants audition at the beginning of the cycle to receive their parts and spend the remainder of the cycle rehearsing for their final performance on the Blackfriars Playhouse stage. Included in the registration cost is a ticket for each participant to attend a special field trip to see a mainstage American Shakespeare Center production.
Weekly Rehearsals: Sundays from 1-3 PM (1-4 PM beginning March 2) from January 26 – April 27
Playhouse Field Trip to see King Lear: Saturday, March 1 from 1:45-4:30 PM
Playhouse Dress Rehearsal: Saturday, April 5 from 9 AM-12 PM
Final Performance: Sunday, April 27 at 7:30 PM
(View full details and mandatory dates under the “Schedule” tab above)
Register for ASC Drama Club - JuniorASC Drama Club – Senior
Ages: 14-18
Cost: $185 for residents, $187 for non-residents
Develop a deep appreciation for Shakespeare’s stagecraft while learning more about his wordcraft. Participants will work on a variety of scenes and speeches from different Shakespeare plays throughout the cycle, culminating in a final performance of scenes on the Blackfriars Playhouse stage. Included in the registration cost is a ticket for each participant to attend a special field trip to see a mainstage American Shakespeare Center production.
Weekly Rehearsals: Sundays from 4:30-6:30 PM, January 26 – April 27
Playhouse Field Trip to see King Lear: Saturday, March 1 from 1:45-4:30 PM
Playhouse Dress Rehearsal: Sunday, April 6 from 5-7 PM
Final Performance: Sunday, April 27 at 7:30 PM
(View full details and mandatory dates under the “Schedule” tab above)
Register for ASC Drama Club - SeniorWhy join a drama club?
ASC Drama Clubs introduce participants to the vocabulary of theatre, generally (things like “blocking” and “stage right/left”) as well as Shakespeare’s language, specifically (why do they talk like that?).
Participants gain all the benefits of theatrical training: greater collaborative skills, enhanced creative and critical thinking, increased awareness of physicality and movement, personal responsibility, and group camaraderie (to name a few). Specifically, they learn how to work together to put on a performance and gain valuable skills and experience in doing so. Making theatre isn’t just about memorizing lines and writing down blocking: it’s also about listening actively and responding genuinely, taking care of yourself and your teammates, and working together on a project that will always be greater than the sum of its parts.
Participants also gain an advanced, early understanding of Shakespeare—often before they encounter his plays in an academic environment. The objective of all ASC Drama Clubs is to foster a lifelong love of theatre in general and Shakespeare in particular. Available evidence suggests early exposure (before the onset of “Shakesfear” in high school) to be the best way to achieve that objective.
Syllabus subject to change.
Registration for the Spring 2025 cycle is currently CLOSED. Registration will re-open for Fall 2025.
Register for ASC Drama Club - Junior
rehearsal schedule – Spring 2025 cycle
JUNIOR Drama Club (AGES 8-13)
- Sunday, January 26: Welcome to Club (Nelson Street, 1-3PM)
- Icebreakers, introductions, overview of Club goals and schedule
- Sunday, February 2: Play/Audition Prep (Nelson Street, 1-3PM)
- Introduction to our play and preparation for Auditions
- Sunday, February 9: Auditions! (Nelson Street, 1-3PM)
- Attendance at this Sunday’s auditions is mandatory for all clubbers. If your clubber needs to miss the auditions for any reason, please contact me ASAP to make alternate arrangements.
- Sunday, February 16: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-3PM)
- Sunday, February 23: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-3PM)
- Saturday, March 1: Field Trip (Blackfriars Playhouse, 1:30-4:30pm)
- We will be attending the Spring 2025 production of King Lear at the Blackfriars Playhouse.
- Please plan to drop your clubber off at the Blackfriars Playhouse (10 S Market Street) at 1:30pm and pick them up from the Playhouse after the show, which should conclude no later than 4:30pm.
- Tickets for each clubber are included in the cost of registration.
- Parents & siblings may purchase additional tickets if they would like to accompany Drama Club on our field trip.
- Sunday, March 2: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Club meetings move to three hours for the rest of the cycle.
- Sunday, March 9: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Sunday, March 23: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Sunday, March 30: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Saturday, April 5: Playhouse rehearsal (Blackfriars Playhouse, 9AM-12PM)
- Sunday, April 6: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Sunday, April 13: Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4PM)
- Sunday, April 20: NO REHEARSAL (Easter Sunday)
- Sunday, April 27: Final Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 1-4pm)
- Sunday, April 27: Final Performance (Blackfriars Playhouse, 7:30pm)
Syllabus subject to change.
Registration for the Spring 2025 cycle is currently CLOSED. Registration will re-open for Fall 2025.
Register for ASC Drama Club - Senior
rehearsal schedule – SPRING 2025 cycle
SENIOR Drama Club (AGES 14-18)
- Sunday, January 26: Welcome to Club (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm) ft. icebreakers, introductions, and an overview of Club goals and schedule
- Sunday, February 9: Intro to Verse & Monologue Work (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, February 16: Verse Work (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, February 23: Intro to Rhetoric & Monologue Work (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Saturday, March 1: Playhouse Field Trip (Blackfriars Playhouse, 1:45-4:30pm)
- We will be attending the Fall 2024 production of King Lear at the Blackfriars Playhouse.
- Please plan to drop your clubber off at the Blackfriars Playhouse (10 S Market Street) at 1:45pm and pick them up from the Playhouse after the show, which should conclude no later than 4:30pm.
- Tickets for each clubber are included in the cost of registration.
- Parents & siblings may purchase additional tickets if they would like to accompany Drama Club on our field trip.
- Sunday, March 2: Rhetoric Scene Work (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, March 9: Intro to Audience Contact & Continued Scene Work (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, March 16: Final Scene Assignments (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, March 23: Final Scene Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, March 30: Final Scene Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, April 6: Playhouse Dress Rehearsal (Blackfriars Playhouse, 5-7pm)
- Attendance at this dress rehearsal is mandatory for all clubbers. If your clubber needs to miss the dress rehearsal for any reason, please contact Lia Wallace ASAP to make alternate arrangements.
- Sunday, April 13: Final Scene Rehearsal (Nelson Street, 4:30-6:30pm)
- Sunday, April 20: NO REHEARSAL (Easter Sunday)
- Sunday, April 27: Final Performance (Blackfriars Playhouse, 7:30pm)