Briana Gibson Reeves

Amiens, Martext, Page, Hymen in As You Like It; Augusta Elton in Emma; Clarence, Catesby in Richard III; and Emilia in The Man of Mode.
Gusman, Mathurine, Pauper, Don Luis in Moliere’s Don Juan (Taffety Punk Theatre, Washington, DC); Hippolyta in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; First Senator in Coriolanus (ACA/Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, DC); African Ensemble, Yema (u/s) in Amazing Grace, The Musical (Continental Productions, Washington, DC); Mindy in Five Women Wearing the Same Dress (Love Creek Productions, New York, NY); Person of the Field in The Field: A Musical Myth (Kraine Theatre, New York, NY); Duchess of Hapsburg in Funnyhouse of a Negro; Alberta Hunter in For the Love of Harlem; Sister Boxer in The Amen Corner; Stephie in Fabulation or the Re-education of Undine (On Q Productions, Charlotte, NC).
MFA from The Academy for Classical Acting at George Washington University in conjunction with The Shakespeare Theatre Company; BS in Economics from Hampton University; Certified combat artist through Society of American Fight Directors.