Patrick Earl

THIS SEASON: Mercutio and Montague in Romeo and Juliet and Dromio of Ephesus in The Comedy of Errors; Fight Captain.
PREVIOUSLY WITH ASC: Andrew Jackson in Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson; Hamlet in Hamlet; Benedick, Hugh Oatcake in Much Ado About Nothing; Edmund in King Lear; Chorus, Lucifer, Duke in Doctor Faustus; Hamlet in Wittenberg; Scrooge in A Christmas Carol; Crumpet in The Santaland Diaries; Cassio in Othello; Master Ford, Simple in The Merry Wives of Windsor; Prince Hal in Henry IV, Part 1; Berowne in Love’s Labour’s Lost; Orsino in Twelfth Night; Ferdinand in The Duchess of Malfi; Polixenes in The Winter’s Tale; Giovanni in ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore; Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Decretas, Menecrates, Maecenus, Taurus in Antony and Cleopatra; Burgundy, John Talbot, Suffolk in Shakespeare’s Joan of Arc (Henry VI, Part 1)
OTHER THEATRES: Benedick in Much Ado about Nothing (Palo Duro Shakes, Canyon, TX); Romeo in Romeo and Juliet (Monomoy Theatre, Chatham, MA); King Charles, William Scot in Or, (Main Street Theater, Houston, TX); Nana, Chay Turley, Bill Jukes in Peter Pan (The Alley Theatre, Houston, TX); George Seurat in Sunday in the Park with George (Circle Theatre, Grand Rapids, MI); Constantine in Big Love, Lopakin in The Cherry Orchard, Orpheus in Metamorphoses (University of Houston, Houston, TX); Tom in The Glass Menagerie (Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI).
EDUCATION: MFA in Acting from the University of Houston PTTP; BS in Biology and Theatre from Aquinas College; Actor Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors, recommended in Unarmed, Single Sword, Rapier/Dagger; Broad Sword, and Quarterstaff.