Stephanie Holladay Earl

Director & Choreographer
Holiday 2024 Season:
Director and Choreographer of A Christmas Carol 2024.
Stephanie has worked professionally as an actor, director, and choreographer for over 15 years. She earned her BA in Theatre Performance and Dance from Greensboro College and her MFA in Acting from The University of Houston PATP.
Stephanie began working as an actor and choreographer at the American Shakespeare Center in 2011. Roles at the ASC include Hermione in The Winter’s Tale; Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Olivia in Twelfth Night; Beatrice in Much Ado about Nothing; King Henry in Henry VI, Part 1; the Duchess in The Duchess of Malfi; and Mary in The Twelve Dates of Christmas. Other regional theatre acting work includes credits from The Barter Theatre, Main Street Theatre Houston, Endstation Theatre Company, and The Farm Theatre.
ASC directing credits include the 2022 production of Every Brilliant Thing, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, and 2022 productions of A Christmas Carol, the 2017/18 Wicked Folly Tour/Spring Season production of Sense and Sensibility by Emma Whipday, the 2018 Summer/Fall production of Jane Austen’s Emma by Emma Whipday, and Amy E. Whiting’s Anne Page Hates Fun (the first production in ASC’s Shakespeare’s New Contemporaries series). Stephanie has choreographed dance pieces for more than 30 ASC productions. Her work as a director and choreographer has been seen by audiences at The Barter Theatre, Main Street Theater, University of Houston, Randolph College, Greensboro College, Greensboro Children’s Theatre, and Milligan College.
Stephanie is also Chair and Associate Professor of Theatre at Randolph College in Lynchburg.